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“No. No, you said you loved me,” Paolo shook his head, unwilling to believe Evie.

“I was grateful to have you in my life. Even if I didn’t know how fucked up you and your mom were at the time,” Evie continued.

“This fucked up man is the one trying to save you,” Paolo said through gritted teeth, his hands fisting. “While your supposed mate is the one giving you up.”

Evie laughed, and it wasn’t a nice laugh. “There’s so much wrong with that statement.”

“What are you talking about?” Paolo.

I was stunned silent, because one, I was dumbstruck at the way Evie was talking to Paolo, and two, I also wanted to know what she was talking about.

“I let you take me, Paolo,” Evie said gleefully, making my eyes widen.

“No, I knocked you out,” Paolo corrected her.

“Yes, and I let you. How many hours has it been? We met like six hours ago? seven? We’ve been here how many? Two?”

“What of it?” Paolo asked.

Evie laughed.

“You’re about to find out. You think I would meet you knowing what your mother did without a plan? I already knew you were too fucked in the head to tell us where Violet and Tori were if you had betrayed the kindest people I’ve ever known. I sent Zi a message before you took me.”

“It was gibberish. I saw it. You didn’t tell her anything and I destroyed your phone so she can’t track you.”

Evie shook her head.

“It was a code word. She knows how to find me with it. I needed you to take me so we could rescue the girls. The only thing I didn’t count on was Cory finding me so soon.” The lights flashed off and on as she spoke, and Evie’s smile only got bigger. “You’re so fucking dead, Paolo.”

Paolo’s phone buzzed, and whatever he saw in it made him angry.

“You’re coming with me,” he raged and stepped toward Evie. I struggled against the restraints, wishing Tenoch was awake to help me.

“I’d rather die,” Evie hissed. Paolo gripped his hands around her throat and slammed her against the wall.

“Then you die!” he snarled.

“Fuck! Stop! Get your hands off her! I’ll fucking kill you!” I roared.

“Don’t worry, Alpha. You’re next.” Evie started scratching against his hands, and Paolo hissed in pain but didn’t let go. She kicked, and it connected with his groin, but while he grunted, he still refused to drop her. Her lips were turning purple, and I couldn’t get out of these damn restraints.

Evie turned to look at me, a look of anguish in her eyes. My panic was rising, and I felt the air vibrating angrily around me.

I suddenly recalled the time we spent in Vegas, and the time we spent in the shower. The way the water steamed around me as I gave her my soul. I remembered feeling the way the water molecules vibrated so quickly that water turned to vapor.

“Water is one of the fundamental blocks of life. Being able to manipulate it is a big deal. Everything on earth requires water to live.” Evie’s words popped into my head. Everything required water. Water was in every living thing. Water was in Paolo, in his stomach, in his bloodstream, in his organs.

With every bit of energy left, I willed the water molecules in his body to obey me. To vibrate so fast it would turn into vapor. I was exhausted, but as I watched the life draining from my mate as Paolo choked her, I willed the water to go faster.

“Wh—” Paolo let go of Evie, who dropped to the floor, gasping for breath. He began scratching at his arms and face; his chest. His body was blistering, undulating as the vapor in his blood tried to escape. He started screaming in pain and panic as the lumps and blisters exploded in tiny volcanoes of red mist. He dropped to the ground as I continued to will every ounce of water in his body into vapor.

After a few minutes, Paolo was still, a mist of blood around him, pooling around him as it cooled and settled. Evie walked up to him and pushed his leg. I didn’t have my enhanced hearing right now, so I couldn’t tell if his heart was still beating. Evie bent down and began looking through his pockets.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Looking for the keys to your chains.” Her voice was a little hoarse, and she grimaced when she swallowed.

“They aren’t silver.” I pointed out, hating that she was touching that asshole, but she did pull out a set of keys from his pockets. I sagged with relief against the wall when she unlocked the first chain. Before she unlocked the second one, she raised an eyebrow at me.
