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“Want to share the seat?” She fluttered her eyes at me, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her. As beautiful as she was, the novelty of she-wolves flirting and offering themselves to me had long ago lost its appeal. Not that I’d ever done anything. I respected my future mate, wherever she may be.

“You can just have my seat. I’m done eating,” I answered, taking the last bite of my plate and rising with it. I saw her face fill with disappointment and embarrassment at being turned down, but that wasn’t my problem. I didn’t encourage anyone. Everyone in the pack knew I would take no one but my mate.

‘Dude, you totally crushed that girl,’ James mind-linked as I walked up to my room.

‘She’ll survive. You know I’m waiting for—’

‘For your mate. I know, but at least have a little fun. I’m not saying go all the way, but there’s other stuff you can do,’ he argued.

‘And take some of the fun from you? How could I live with myself?’ I taunted. James waited for his mate with me for a while, but after we hit twenty-two, he’d given in. Jo and I hadn’t, but we understood why James did.

Although, if I was being honest, it wasn’t too hard for me to hold back. I never had much interest in the women that approached me. It wasn’t that I couldn’t appreciate a beautiful body, but I never felt a pull towards anyone, and once Tenoch came to me, I understood that it was because I wouldn’t feel anything for anyone but my mate.

All of my siblings and I got our wolves early. Not by much, less than a year, but long enough to understand that our connection to our mates and wolves would be important in the battles ahead. Our connection had to be strong. Defeating a god was no easy feat. Tenoch’s and my bond was strong, and I trusted him to guide me. One thing we always agreed on, was that the most important person, who must be protected at all cost, was our mate. I wasn’t giving anyone in the pack ammunition against her. Our bond would be deep, and I wouldn’t hurt her like that.

But the lesson was disheartening at this point. We were supposed to make strong bonds and connections to the closest people in our lives, but the most important person in my life was hiding herself from me.

Lost in my thoughts, I reached my suite, and changed for bed. I sat in bed and got my laptop out with the intention of getting a bit more work done.

‘Hey, brother. How goes it?’ I smiled, happy to hear Bells’ voice. Despite the distance, our twin bond allowed us to communicate with each other. When she was leaving, we promised each other that we would talk at least once a day. Even if it was a bad day. Even if it was short talk. So far, we’d both kept our promise.

‘Hi, Bells. My day was great. I got Mr. Roswell to agree to head up the expansion. How was your day?’

‘Boring. I hate studying,’ she answered.

‘You’re almost there. Another semester for your bachelor’s?’ I wanted to confirm. Bells found her mate on the very first full moon after we came of age at nineteen. She went off to Montana with her mate and only managed to return to school part-time a few years ago because of all her duties. It made me thankful that I was burden-free for as long as I was.

‘Ugh, yeah. Unless I decide to be an overachiever like you and go for a master’s.’

‘I don’t know that it’s worth it. I can’t remember anything I learned. I finished it mostly so I could have some fancy letters next to my name so none of the humans would doubt my ability to become CEO,’ I reminded her.

‘True.’ She was quiet for a moment. ‘Are you excited about your ceremony? I’m sorry I’m going to miss it. If I could reschedule these damn exams...’ she trailed off.

‘I’m proud of you for sticking to it. If Dad made me take the title before, I never would have finished. You’ll come by for a visit soon, though, right?’ I asked, not wanting her to hear the longing in my voice. We were together for nineteen years. I still missed her like crazy, even though she’d been gone for seven years.

‘Yep. I promised Mom I’d be coming round for a couple of weeks close to the end of summer.’

‘How’s Brandon doing?’

‘He’s fine,’ she replied, hesitating for a moment.

‘Everything okay?’

‘Yes. He’s just grumpy because he wants to try for a pup, and I told him I wasn’t ready. I want to finish school, Cory. If I get pregnant, I know I won’t finish, and I’ll regret it. I’ve worked so hard.’

‘You’re almost there. Just explain what it means to you. I’m sure if he’s waited this long, he can wait another six months.’

‘I’m trying. His mom is meddling again.’ I could almost see the pout on her face as she said the words.

‘Just remind him who his luna is. It’s not his mom.’

‘I love you, Cory. Thanks for talking things out with me all the time.’

‘Hey, I told you we’d make this work. You’re still my best friend, Bells.’

‘Alright. I should go back to studying. Talk tomorrow?’

‘As always.’
