Page 17 of Dragon Rogue

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Desire curled through her.

Her gaze flicked to his profile, then back to the view.

Since her arrival, she’d had to keep reminding herself that, according to Jori, Kymri and Elora, these males were no longer her enemy. These males were no longer a threat to Aeleftheria.

Aren’t they?

Can I accept that?

Should I?

Just days ago, this male in particular had abducted her friend. And weeks before that, had attacked her home.

On the orders of his king. His dead king. Jori now leads this tribe, but for how long?

She cast Stenlen another glance.

Would he usurp Jori? He could. Why not? What are you waiting for?

Is he waiting for Aeleftheria to let down her guard?

But he already knew where she was. He could lead the males straight to her.

He could have at any time. So why hadn’t he?

Why hadn’t Kargassa ordered it as soon as they knew where it was?

Instead he’d gone after Jori. Why? What had he been waiting for?

All of this circled her mind again and again since the attack. More bits and pieces of information whirled in the chaos since her arrival, as she struggled to make sense of it.

She’d been hoping to find some answers in the books as they researched proper funerary practices for dragon monarchs.

Some hints to understanding the males, and how to protect Aeleftheria.

And through all of this, she desperately ignored the tug of Stenlen’s personal scent.

This was new.

The rest of the place stank of centuries of male dragon funk, but his scent teased and drew her to him.

She’d never experienced this curious fascination with any other male she’d encountered before.

“Break time,” Jori called out.

Marli spun toward the rest of the room. Stenlen remained next to her.

With bright page flags marking points of interest, Eamerson recorded the details of the books in his tablet and left them undisturbed.

“Are we making any progress?” Jori asked him.

Eamerson nodded. “I believe so, sire.”

“Call me by my first name. Titles make my skin itch.”

“Yes, sir.”

Jori rolled his eyes. “Has anyone come across any ideas from those books as to what we should do with Clive and Merwin?”
