Page 77 of Dragon Rogue

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Kargassa had no idea how wrong he was.

His first mistake had been working with the wizard to create his imprisonment devices that he used on the Ambassador and others that had fallen prey to him over the years.

His second was in ‘graciously’, allowing Sam to remain in his mountain.

He’d had no idea when Sam simply walked in as one of his advisors, listened, learned and walked out again.

He’d had no idea how much Sam learned about him, his thought processes, his tribe, and his secrets.

Kargassa had dark habits that both fascinated and revolted Sam.

Some of which reminded her a little too much of the Consortium’s menagerie overseer.

Thoughts of that monster tightened her body to near snapping as she waited her turn to make the offering at Kargassa’s grave side.

What an interesting ritual.

So many scales left behind. How easy it would be to pluck and tuck a handful.

Better than scavenging the stinking aerie or various other sparring areas that the mountain dragons inhabited.

It would be easy to snatch a few to add to my dwindling collection.

Even though the plan was to get the artifact and escape, one never knew when they would need a contingency plan.

Sam glanced to the side, noting that Stenlen, despite his honored duties, watched each individual that approached Kargassa’s corpse like a hawk.

As did the Aeleftherian.

Fucking Aeleftherians.

Hatred rose like rancid bile from Sam’s gut.

Thieves. Their whorish queen sits on a treasure hoard greater than any in the world.

Sam didn’t know what exactly the treasure was, just that it should be shared among all the dragons of the world. Even those, like herself, that were little more than just dragon shifters.


But once Sam had the seal that Kargassa had hidden, she could infiltrate the island and the Master would take this treasure back. Share it with all the world.

Sam suppressed the desire to sink a jagged claw into the Aeleftherian’s heart as she passed her.

Stay focused. Get the seal, present it to the Consortium to share with the world, or whatever they wanted to do with it.

All she cared about was getting her sister out of the menagerie, then taking her own place among the Founders.

That’s the deal.

Sam did her partial transformation, plucked a scale from the back of her hand, then reached out to place it on the pile of offerings.

Magic crackled around her hand as it passed over the scales like a magnet over iron filings.

She gasped, jerking her hand back.

Glancing between either observer, she clasped her hands together and solemnly made her way along the slow-moving throng.

The line snaked back toward the rear of the cavern.
