Page 80 of Dragon Rogue

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‘I thought I was to give it to you directly, Master?’

‘Go to Aeleftheria. The seals will be united there.’

Sam gasped.

So soon! And I’ll be there to witness it!

Thrill rippled through her body.

The sound of footsteps descending the stairs jerked her from her excitement.

“Eamerson? Did you find the librarian?”

Sam grabbed her rucksack and frantically swiped the contents of her workbench into it. In her haste, a few vials fell to the stone floor.


Leaving the rest, she made her way to the door in the back corner, withdrew her stolen key, and spoke Kargassa’s spelled words to release the lock.

Sparing one final glance at the space that had been her home for so long, regret crimped her gut.

Turning away, she let go of the door handle and hurried along the darkened tunnel.

Too focused on her next steps, Sam didn’t notice the figure that slipped through the nearly closed door, placing the copy of Kargassa’s biography in the gap as a doorstop.

In the weeks since Kargassa’s demise, Sam had come to know these tunnels almost as well as she knew the library and archives itself. There were several exits to choose from that let out into hidden caves, wherein she would bide her time.

She’d already decided that simplicity was the best resource, and would follow the Aeleftherian delegation home.

Chapter 29

Marli adjusted her pack, waiting in the darkness, back some distance in the tunnel.

She’d dared to approach the edge of the cavern just once, and just enough to ascertain that it was a cave with an opening large enough for a human to fit through. A small human.

She couldn’t get close enough to tell if she’d fit through it or not. She’d have to deal with that when the time came.

Wait and watch. Patience. Just follow the librarian to wherever she takes the seal.

Marli was used to waiting and watching. In a dark tunnel, buried under a mountain? Not so much. Half of her focus was devoted to keeping the cabin fever at bay as she listened to the librarian’s movements in the cavern beyond. She was someone else that seemed to be accustomed to patience and waiting—according to what Marli had learned since Jori and Elora had read through all of Kargassa’s notes, connecting the clues between the imposter, Kargassa’s actions, and this new group.

Sam Egan. The librarian. Consortium agent.

Why haven’t I heard of this group before? Aeleftheria had other enemies to keep at bay, not just Kargassa. Were they all connected?

None of her superiors had ever mentioned the group.

Would they have?

Marli chewed her lip. She’d always done her duty. Followed her orders. Gathered the information needed. Evaded whichever enemy was the focus of the mission.

Are the days of counting the mountain males as our top threat truly over?

Now, back at her job, doing what she knew best, her time in the upper layers of the mountain seemed surreal.

And yet, here you are, Marli.
