Page 17 of Pretty Dependable

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“Great game,” Gabe says when we all stand up and stretch from the extended period of time of sitting on the hard, metal bleachers.

“Gonna be a fun season,” Logan replies.

“Next week is away, right?” Blair asks, looking my way.

“Yes. We’re headed to Big Bay,” I answer, referring to another small community about forty miles up the road.

“I should bring my fishing pole. I haven’t fished in the bay in years,” Logan replies. Like the lakes around us, fishing is a huge industry around Big Bay.

“Or you could just move there,” Hallie grumbles not-so-quietly.

Logan gives her a big, cheesy grin. “You’d miss me too much, cupcake.”

“I’d miss you like an STD.”

“Okay,” Gabe says loudly, stepping between the two bickerers. “Let’s not talk about STDs, all right? Ellie, tell Brody good game for us. We’re going to go to Miss Molly’s for an ice cream sundae and head home.”

My mouth waters at the thought of all the homemade ice cream goodness. “Sounds good.”

“Wanna come?” Blair asks as we slowly make our way down the bleachers.

“Oh, no thank you. Brody and I have a tradition of homemade milkshakes and fries after the game.”

Blair smiles, while Gabe takes her hand. “Let’s go so we can beat the crowd to Molly’s. I’ll be mad if she’s out of her mocha marshmallow ice cream before I get some.”

They both wave, leaving me alone with Logan and Hallie. “I’m out of here. Hot date,” Logan announces, but the look in his eyes tells me it’s a big fat lie.

“Doubtful,” Hallie mutters.

“Jealous?” he asks, leaning in and bumping her shoulder with his own.

“Of you dating? Hell no. I’m just surprised someone actually wants to spend time with you. Are you as annoying on dates as you are every other second of the day?” she counters.

Logan just laughs and turns to walk away. “See you guys later.”

“Bye,” I holler, as Hallie mumbles a soft, “Whatever.”

“I can’t decide if you two will someday kill each other or rip each other’s clothes off and go at it like bunnies.”

She makes a horrified face. “Gross! If Logan Johnson were the last person on this planet, my clothes would still be on.”

“If you say so,” I reply, not believing her for a second. “I’m going to head over to the locker room. Wanna come with me?”

“No, I have a few lesson plans I want to work on tonight before bed,” she states. Hallie is one of the preschool teachers in town, spending her day with four- and five-year-olds. “Tell him good game for me too.”

“I will. Talk to you soon,” I say as my friend walks toward the school parking lot.

Looking out at the field, I notice the players are gone, which means they’re in the locker room. I pass a few other moms who offer polite greetings, but for the most part, I keep my head down. I’ve always felt like the other moms look down on me. Not that I care. Much. The comments I’ve caught wind of only bother me if they affect Brody. In no way do I want to have my teenage pregnancy and single mom status upset him. I know this town. I grew up here. I’ve heard the under-the-breath remarks about him having no father or speculating who that person really is. I’ve dealt with my past and refuse to look back.

Forward is the only way to go.

Nothing good can come of looking in the rearview mirror, especially when a person refuses to acknowledge his part in the story.

As I lean against the brick wall of the school and wait for Brody to emerge from the locker room, my gaze is drawn to the man heading my way. There’s determination in every step he takes and a gorgeous smile on his face as he looks up and meets my eyes.

“Hey,” he says when he reaches my side, mimicking my position and leaning against the wall.

Playfully, I elbow him in the side. “Great game, Coach.”
