Page 18 of Pretty Dependable

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“Thank you,” he replies with a big grin. “We had a hell of a game.”


I turn toward the locker room and find Brody still dressed in his pads and jersey, headed our way. “What’s wrong?” I ask, despite the huge grin on his face.

“Nothing,” he replies joyfully. “Did you see my touchdown?” he asks, stopping directly in front of me.

A bubble of laughter spills from my lips. “Of course I saw it. It was amazing!” I tell him, wrapping my arms around his back, despite being soaked with sweat and a bit smelly, and squeeze. “I’m so proud of you.”

“I have something for you,” he says when I release my hug. He holds up a football. “This was the game ball. The team voted for me to be the recipient of it tonight, and well, I couldn’t have done this without you.”

My eyes fill and I have to blink to keep them at bay. “Brody,” I start, but am cut off when he places it in my arms.

“You’ve been my biggest fan. You and me against the world, right? Well, tonight, I scored that touchdown for you, so it’s only fitting you get the game ball. Since it’s my last season, I know you’ve been extra emotional and are trying not to cry right now, so I figured I’d do it now instead of at home. There, you’d cry like a baby. At least here, you’ll try not to cry in front of all the people.” He flashes me a cheeky grin.

Clearing my throat, I finally whisper, “I don’t know what to say.”

“Maybe how amazing I am, so I can have an extra hour out tonight with my friends?” he asks, his eyes hopeful.

Laughter slides easily from my lips as I shake my head. “I knew you had ulterior motives.”

He chuckles loudly. “No, that part just came to me. I wouldn’t mind a little extra time, though. The guys invited me to Miss Molly’s for ice cream and then probably to the city park to hang out and shoot hoops.”

“You just played an entire football game, and you want to go play basketball?”

He shrugs. “Yeah. I know we usually hang out after I get home and do our thing, but—”

“Go. You deserve this time with your teammates and friends. Ten thirty is fine. You have weights and game film walk-through in the morning,” I remind.

He glances over at TD. “I know. Coach would make me run extra laps if I was late because I stayed out past curfew.”

“Damn right he would,” TD chimes in.

Brody leans closer to me and whispers, “See? Hard-ass.”

“Go get cleaned up. Your friends are already coming out,” I tell him, gently pushing his arm toward the locker room.

“Wait, Coach, can you take a picture for us?” Brody asks, and once more, I have to fight tears. How did I get so dang lucky? I won the lotto when I was given this child.

“Of course,” TD agrees, pulling his cell phone out of his pocket.

Brody comes up beside me, throws his sweaty arm over my shoulders, and draws me close. I wrap one arm around his lower back and hold the football with the other. I smile happily as TD takes our photo.

“Thanks, Coach. I’m gonna run in and get cleaned up. Mom, I’ll be home by ten thirty. Promise.”

“Do you need the car?” I ask, wondering how much gas is in the old girl.

“Naw, I’m riding with Matt.” Then, he leans in and kisses my cheek. “Love you.”

“Love you too,” I tell him before he turns and jogs over to the locker room and disappears behind the door.

“You all right?”

I shake my head, knowing if I speak, I’ll cry.

“I know I’ve said this before, but you’re raising an exceptional young man, El.”

“Thank you,” I whisper, cradling the football a little tighter against my chest. When my emotions are a bit more under control, I ask, “Are you going with them for ice cream?”

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