Page 3 of Pretty Dependable

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That flutter in my belly returns as he holds my gaze for several seconds. Clearing my throat once more, I break the tension with, “Look at us. It’s getting heavy in here.”

“That’s what friends are for. We help carry the load when it gets heavy.” Standing, I realize it’s that time of night when he heads home to his own place. “You need anything before I head out?”

Shaking my head, I turn my attention to the dishes ready to be cleaned and put away. “I’m just going to wash these and then read a little before bed. Four a.m. will be here before I know it.”

One corner of his completely kissable mouth curls up. “I’ll take your word for it.” Glancing to the sink, he adds, “You sure you don’t want help?”

I swat at his arm, doing everything I can to keep our interaction friendly. “No way.”

“I don’t mind. You did feed me. Again.”

“Because I appreciate all your help with Brody. Thank you again for dropping him off.”

He rubs his flat stomach; the one where hard abs hide beneath his Pine Village Football T-shirt. “I’d do it in a heartbeat any day, but you know I’d never turn down a homecooked meal like that. I’m a growing boy.”

And cue the blush.

A parade of dirty images filters shamelessly through my head, and I push them away as quickly as possible, praying my red cheeks don’t give away the state of my dirty mind. I can only imagine a man like TD…growing.

“You’re gonna be growing out if you’re not careful.” I slam my mouth shut, wishing I’d just shut the hell up right about now. That’s also when my eyes completely betray me and drop to the crotch of his athletic shorts.

Jesus, Ellie! Stop staring at your friend’s groin!

If he notices my eyes fixated on his thighs, he doesn’t let on. Thankfully. How embarrassing would that be? After decades of friendship, I could ruin it with one ill-timed glance at his…stuff. Not that I haven’t stolen hooded looks behind sunglasses or whatnot, but I’ve never been as brazen as to basically stare at the goods right in front of him while he’s watching me.

“I think I’ll be all right,” he replies, pulling me out of my naughty head and back to the conversation. “I’ll just workout extra this week, because there’s no way I’m giving up your food.”

Smiling, I reply, “You do that. Sneak one in for me while you’re at it.”

Because I am not someone who works out. At all. I don’t do yoga or hit any sort of gym, and if I’m ever running, you better run too because something’s probably chasing me.

“Will do. Thanks again for dinner, El,” he says, leaning forward and placing his lips against my forehead. He started doing that sweet gesture way back when we were friends in high school. I try not to read into it, but it’s difficult when your heart skips a beat and your underused girly bits get all excited.

“You’re welcome. Drive safe.”

He heads for the door and releases the lock. There’s one at the top of the stairs, as well as the base of them, and TD has been a big advocate of making sure I keep them both locked when we’re home. Not that I’ve ever had to worry about safety in Pine Village. Not a lot happens as far as crime in this small town, but as the town’s police officer, he’s always pushing me to lock up and keep safe.

“Night. Lock up behind me,” he says, holding my gaze one last time before stepping out of the apartment and pulling the door closed.

I listen as his heavy feet carry him down the stairs, knowing he’ll throw the lock on the bottom door as he exits the building. There’s another set of stairs in the hallway, but those are never used. They lead down to a closed-off storage area in the diner, only to be used in case of emergency.

Finally, I exhale the breath I didn’t even realize I was holding and throw the lock on the door. A bark of laughter spills from Brody’s room, as well as the faint hum of conversation. Smiling, I turn my attention to the stack of dirty dishes and start filling up the sink, trying to push all thoughts of TD from my mind. The last thing I need is to get all caught up in my feelings over someone who has me safely and securely tucked in the friend zone.

I need him too much to ever jeopardize our friendship by entertaining thoughts of something more.

TD and I are friends, and that’s all we’ll ever be.

I’m okay with that.

Sometimes, I just have to tell my heart to get on board with it too.

Chapter Two


The door is barely closed behind me when I hear the knock. “It’s open,” I holler, knowing who’s on the opposite side.

“Wild Friday night, I see,” Logan, my closest friend, says as he steps through the back entry.
