Page 4 of Pretty Dependable

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“Yep.” Grabbing a bottle from the fridge, I hold it up for him.

Nodding, he takes the beer and twists off the top, while I pull a second one from the fridge and lean against the counter. “Wanna sit outside? It’s pretty nice out,” he suggests, already moving toward the door.

I follow behind and plop into one of the pub chairs at the table on my back deck before taking my first drink of cold brew. “Why aren’t you out tonight?”

He sighs. “I met Marcus at Shiner’s for a pizza and beer, but when Shay showed up, I got the hell out of there,” he says, referring to his ex-wife.

Shay is a major thorn in my friend’s side. Not only are they divorced, but she’s part owner in his family’s hardware business, thanks to Logan’s dad. He left his business to the couple when he got sick and passed away, and now that they’re no longer together, Shay refuses to sell her half. She knows dick about lumber—at least in the literal sense—but sees this as an opportunity to make my friend’s life hell on a daily basis.

It’s fucked up.

“How’s Marcus?” I ask, changing the subject to another friend instead of the ex-wife. Marcus was another classmate of ours in school and is the mechanic and tow truck driver for our small town. He started in the garage, turning wrenches and changing oil, and eventually had the opportunity to purchase the business about five years ago. He puts everything into it, devoting more hours than any one human should, but has built one hell of a reputation and business over the years.

“Good. Busy. Said he was out today at Bluff Preserves with you.”

I nod. “Yeah. It was a mess. Didn’t get to chat much with him while he cleaned up the accident,” I say, referring to the ATV he took care of for us.

“That’s what he said.” After a few long seconds, he asks, “How was practice?”

“Went well. I think we’re ready for our first game next Friday,” I tell him, kicking my feet up on the table in front of me. “Our O-line is young, but our QB, running back, and receivers are all seniors with experience.”

“How’s Brody?”

“He’s great. Really coming into his own as a team leader and my number one receiver this season. He should get lots of playing time,” I state.

“And Ellie?”

My heart does that weird little flutter every time she’s mentioned. It’s been happening for years, but I refuse to focus on the reason. “She looked a little worn out tonight. I know she pulled a double yesterday and opened again this morning.”

When he doesn’t reply, I look his way, only to find a not-so-subtle smile on his face.

“What?” I snap, already knowing what’s coming.

“Nothing,” he insists, taking a drink from his bottle. “Well, just one thing,” he adds. “When are you going to admit you’re in love with her?”

I sigh and shake my head. “Don’t.”

“No, really. You two have been friends forever. Neither of you date, and I’m pretty sure it’s because you both like each other. Take the leap.”

“It’s not that easy,” I concede, squirming in my chair a little. I hate talking about my feelings, especially when they involve Ellie. “We’re friends.”

He snorts. “Friends who want to bang.”

“Stop,” I practically growl at him.

“All I’m saying is,” he starts, but I cut him off.

“I know what you’re saying. You’ve been saying it for years. Not going to happen. I cherish my friendship with her too much to risk hurting her.” I need her in my life. No way will I ruin what we have because I tried to date her. I’ve seen it too often in this small town. When the relationship goes south, the original friendship never survives. I won’t let that happen to us.

“So, you just keep her tucked in the friend zone?”


“That’s fucked up.”

Turning to face my friend, I can’t help but ask, “Yeah? How come you haven’t asked Hallie out yet?”

Even as the night falls around us, I can see the tips of his ears turn red. “Why would I ask her out? She hates me.”

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