Page 41 of Pretty Dependable

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Sighing dramatically in annoyance, the only way a sister can. “Anyway,” she starts, drawing that single word out, “I’m calling to talk about next weekend. We’ll be in early afternoon Friday and are renting a vehicle to drive to town. We should be there around four or so.”

“Logan has the key. Can you stop by the hardware store when you get to town?”

“Yes, perfect. Then, we’ll get settled at the cabin before heading to the high school for the game.”

A smile stretches across my lips. “I’m happy you’re able to see a game while you’re in town. We’ve got a great team this year.”

“Super proud of you, little brother. Do you know your work schedule for the rest of the weekend?”

Usually I spread out my hours so I only have to work a few hours over the weekend, but with this holiday, it’ll be busier than normal. “I have football duties Saturday morning, and working for a few hours on Sunday morning, and then I’m on duty Monday. County will cover when I’m not on and call me if anything arises.”

“All right, so what about Sunday? Your nephews would love for you to come out and take them fishing at some point.”

“I can do that. How about after I patrol for a bit, I’ll run home and change and come out to the cabin.”

“They’ll be so excited,” she insists. “Okay, so let’s talk about Saturday. We were invited over to my friend Eloise’s place for a cookout. You’re invited too. If we don’t have any plans yet, I thought it’d be fun to go over there for a while and let the kids play.”

My potential date with Ellie flashes through my mind. I’ve always liked my sister’s friend and her family, but if I have an out for Saturday night, I’m going to take it. “I might have plans Saturday night,” I say casually, hoping she doesn’t dig her teeth into my comment and refuse to let go.

“Plans? Like what? A date?”

So much for not digging her teeth in…

“No comment. We can hang out a little bit Saturday before you head over there if you want, and then when I’m done patrolling Sunday, I’ll meet you at the cabin.”

“Fine, fine, but let’s go back to your Saturday plans. Do I know her?”

“What if I’m hanging out with Logan Saturday night?” I ask, trying to steer her away from the topic of me dating.

“Then you would have said you were hanging with Logan,” she points out, the hint of victory in her voice.


“I’m not getting into this now,” I tell her, looking to change the subject, but also realizing she’ll most likely just continue it Friday in person.

“Fine,” she grumbles. “But for the record, I was really hoping you’d say you were finally dating Ellie. I’ve always liked her for you.”

I try to swallow, but there’s a lump in the way. Before I can say a word, Loree continues.

“I know, I know, you’re just friends, but deep down, I’ve been secretly wishing you two would get together. I adore her and Brody.”

Me too.

But I keep that to myself.

“Anyway, good luck with whoever it is, and don’t think for one second I won’t spend the entire time trying to get it out of you,” she adds goodheartedly, but I’m certain she’ll do just that.

I snort at that comment. “No doubt you will.”

“Anyway, what do you think about Sunday having our own cookout or something?”

“Yep, it’s a great idea,” I tell her.

“Perfect. You can invite Logan. It’s the least I can do as a thank you for letting us use the cabin for our stay. Oh, and Ellie and Brody too, if you want.”

“Sounds good,” I tell her, refusing to comment further.

“All right, see you Friday night. Love you.”
