Page 40 of Pretty Dependable

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Why does my skin tingle where his finger faintly touched?

“Uh…what time?” I ask, my brain still thinking about the way he moved my hair.

“How about four? Send the car with Brody, and he can drive over when he’s off work.”

“Okay,” I state, noting I’ll have to walk to TD’s house if Brody has the car, which is completely fine, I don’t mind walking. But if I’m going to make something to contribute to dinner, I’ll have to be sure it’s lightweight and easy to carry.

“I’ll pick you up just before four.”

I blink a few times, staring at him. “You don’t have to do that,” I insist.

“There’s no reason for you to walk, El. I want to pick you up,” he states pointedly.

“Oh. Okay. I just don’t want you to have to make an extra trip.”

He slowly smiles, showing his pearly white teeth through the dark stubble and lighting up his entire face. “It’s no hardship, El. Promise.” He takes a step back, putting the needed space between us so I don’t end up doing something stupid, like recreating that kiss from last Friday night. He turns toward the door and opens it once more. “See you in a few hours.”

“I’ll be ready,” I assure him, watching as he nods before exiting the apartment. His heavy boots echo down the stairs until the bottom door closes and I’m left in silence.

What is going on with me?

Honestly, I should probably avoid TD for a while. This weird crush thing that I’ve developed is consuming me, and that’s the last thing I need. What I need is to stop blurring the lines between friendship and more. There’s nothing there, and the sooner I realize that fact, the better off I’ll be.

But he kissed me.

And a kiss that amazing doesn’t deserve to be forgotten.

So, I’ll force it to the back of my brain and only pull it out on special occasions.

Like when I’m alone at night and need to take the edge off.

I’d be mortified if anyone knew how much I really thought about my sexy male friend when I was looking for a little release. My hands inch below the waistline of my pajamas and his face would appear. It takes only a handful of seconds to push me over the edge, especially with the dirty images my mind comes up with.

Images that will never be talked about with anyone.


So, while I know I should just decline his offer and stay here, Brody will be looking forward to it, and I refuse to disappoint him for something like this. I can get through a few hours of hanging out at his house and pretending I’m not thinking about that kiss, right? Eventually, those images and the feelings they conjure up will fade away, and I’ll return to what I consider normal friend territory.

A place where no one thinks about the other one naked.

Give it a few days, and I’ll be past it.

I’m certain.

Easy peasy.

Chapter Twelve


My phone starts to ring, causing me to step away from the salad I’m making ahead of time for tonight’s dinner. A smile spreads across my face when I see my sister’s name on the screen.


“How’s my favorite little brother?”

“Bigger than you are, sister,” I tease, knowing she hates it when I pick on her shorter stature.
