Page 47 of Pretty Dependable

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“Sounds good, bud.” Before I can walk away or chicken out, I add, “Listen, I wanted to run something by you.”

He stands up a little straighter. “Okay.”

“So, I’m going on a date Saturday night.”

My son almost cracks a smile. I can see the way his green eyes light up with excitement and his lips threaten to curl into a grin. “Yeah? That sounds like fun. Anyone I know?”

I had already made the decision to not mention the fact I know about his conversation with TD. For one, I wouldn’t want to embarrass him, but another major reason is I want him to continue to trust TD, and if he felt like things he said would be shared with me, then that trust wouldn’t exist.

“Actually, yes.” Clearing my throat, I quickly state, “TD.”

This time, he does smile. Big. “Yeah? That’s great.”

“You don’t think it’s weird or anything? I mean, I’ve been friends with him for a lot of years, but he’s your football coach.”

His eyebrows draw together in confusion. “Why would that matter? He’s a great guy, right? He’s funny and has a steady job, and all the women drool over him when he stops by the grocery store. Plus, he’s great with kids, right?”

I nod in agreement, a smile stretching across my lips. “He is all those things, but I worry about how it may affect my friendship with him. And yours too,” I tell him honestly.


“Well, for one, it might look bad, considering he’s your coach.”

He blows out a breath. “I’m not worried about that. It’s not like he’s a teacher or anything. Mr. Hamilton dated Vi’s mom last year for months. Everyone might have teased her about getting a better English grade because of it, but it was all in good fun.”

“You don’t think everyone will tease you if they find out your mom is dating your football coach?” I ask.

“Oh, they definitely will,” he replies with a laugh, “But I can handle it.” His face sobers and he holds my gaze. “I just want you to be happy, Mom, and if Coach—TD—does that, then I don’t care about anything anyone might say.”

My throat is thick with emotion, and I find myself wrapping my arms around his chest and hugging him. I don’t know when my little boy grew up into a fine young man, but I’m so damn proud of him and honored to be his mom. “It might not go anywhere. It’s just one date.”

He squeezes me back a bit too tightly. “I think you’re selling yourself short, Mom. You’re awesome, and TD knows it. He’s lucky to go on a date with you,” he tells me sincerely, causing my eyes to mist.

Reaching up, I cup his cheek in my palm and give him a small grin. “You’re the best thing to ever happen to me, Brody Daniels. I love you so much.”

“Love you too, Mom.” He clears his throat and glances over my head for a quick moment before returning his gaze to mine. “While we’re on the subject of dating, can I talk to you about something?”

My heart skips a beat in my chest. “Of course you can.”

He looks a bit sheepish and grins. “There’s a girl.”

My heart.

Even though Brody’s a senior, he’s one of the youngest in his class. He just turned seventeen during this summer, and as far as I know has never had a girlfriend. At least not one he’s talked to me about. That’s pretty telling, if you ask me.

“Yeah? Do I know her?”

Brody rolls his eyes. “It’s Pine Village. Of course you know her. It’s Morgan Cooper.”

I want to throw my fists in the air in victory. I adore Morgan. She’s the sweetest girl ever and has been friends with my son since they were in elementary school. The fact he’s interested in her makes me very excited for him. “Morgan is great.”

His smile is full of…elation. “She is. We’ve been talking a bit lately, and I think I’m going to ask her out.”

“I think that’s a good idea.”

“TD thought so too,” he replies, and my heart stutters in my chest.

A flash of jealousy hits me, but only for a second. Yes, Brody apparently went to TD to talk about Morgan before me, but do you know what? I’m happy he felt comfortable enough to talk to him about a girl he likes. Since he lacks the male father figure in his life, and he finds it in TD, that’s more than okay with me.
