Page 46 of Pretty Dependable

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Me: Thanks, guys.

Blair: Of course!

Hallie: That’s what friends are for. But seriously, buy a good razor. You don’t want rashy razor burn on the beave.

Me: OMGosh! Stop it!

Hallie: Well, just something to think about. My mom always taught me to keep the girly bits well groomed. You never know when you’ll have the opportunity to show them off. *insert eggplant emoji*

Blair: *insert laughing emoji* *insert crying emoji*

Me: I’m blocking your number.

Hallie: Don’t! I’m the best advice-giver on the planet!!

Me: That’s debatable.

Blair: Don’t freak her out any more than she is. You don’t have to show your beave on the first date, Ellie.

Hallie: Ha! Says the woman who slept with my brother the first night she was snowed in at his house!

Blair: Your brother is a smoke-show, Hal. Total fire. Like, gorgeously hot, and his *insert eggplant emoji* is HUGE!

Hallie: No no no!!! Block her, Ellie!

I’m laughing so hard, I have tears in my eyes, and I realize how much I needed this. I needed my girlfriends, even if it was just via text messaging.

Me: Alright, I’m going to bed.

Blair: Night, babes. Gabe and I will stop over for lunch this week and see you.

Me: Sounds good.

Hallie: Ugh, I want bacon-wrapped meatloaf now.

Me: I’ll save you a slice.

Hallie: With mashed potatoes and candied carrots?

Me: Well, the mashed potatoes are a given, but I’ll see what he’s doing for the vegetable.

Hallie: Put in a good word for the carrots.

Me: Will do. Thanks, friends.

Blair: We got you, girl.

Hallie: Yep! No worries.

Easier said than done, but I don’t tell them that.

I place my phone on the charger and move to the kitchen to make sure the door is locked. As I’m returning to my bedroom, Brody steps out of the bathroom in sleep shorts, a billow of hot steam following in his wake.

“Hey,” he says, offering me a cheesy grin.

“Got all your homework done?”

“Yep, all good. I want to do a little studying for my chem test, but I won’t stay up too late.”
