Page 54 of Pretty Dependable

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“Okay, good.” He spins around and grabs the remote control off the table. “Have a seat.”

I climb onto the lounger, careful not to spill my wine, and slide over to the left side. TD turns on the television and cues up his streaming service. When the movie fills the screen, I can’t help but laugh.

“I know there’s a movie in the park tonight, but again, I thought you’d be more comfortable here for our first date.”

“This is my favorite,” I tell him unnecessarily. He knows Adam Sandler is my go-to actor, and this movie always makes me laugh.

“I know,” he states, grabbing his beer and having a seat beside me on the lounge chair.

A bubble of anticipation sweeps through my entire body as his arm rests against mine. We’ve sat close before, but this time, it holds a different sense of familiarity and excitement. We’re on a date, which means touching is not only allowed, but encouraged. At least it is as long as both parties agree to it, and this party definitely agrees.

And is a little hopeful, really.

TD reaches for a blanket at the foot of the lounger and unfolds it, covering our legs. There are small pillows lying around us too, but once we get into position, he slips his arm behind my neck, and I realize quickly those pillows are useless. All I need is a strong arm holding me and a warm, hard body to snuggle against.

“Comfortable?” he asks.

“Oh yeah,” I say, instantly wishing I would have replied with something else, like a simple yes. Instead, those two words were filled with interest and pleasure.

“Good. Me too,” he says, turning up the volume as the opening scene to 50 First Dates fills the screen.

Man, I love Adam Sandler.

It’s not lost on me that TD is well aware of the fact and catered tonight’s date around me. From the private dinner at his place to the movie choice, it’s the most personal, thoughtful date I’ve ever been on. And that’s not counting the fact he did a small remodel project on top of it.

He shifts a little at my side, and even though the fact I’m cuddled in his arm isn’t lost on me, the fact I really like it isn’t either. It gives my skin—and other parts of me—tingles of awareness. I’ve never noticed how soft his arm is or paid attention to the way his cologne tickles my senses and causes me to lean just a little closer into his body. It’s definitely messing with me, being this close to one of my best friends, but not in a bad way. If anything, I can’t help but wonder why we haven’t done this sooner.

You know why, silly.

I’m still battling those emotions that tell me I shouldn’t be on this date, but curiosity—and attraction—have won out. The fact remains, I like him. I’m definitely interested in my friend, have been for a while, and we seem to have a lot of chemistry, so I’m willing to push those discomforts and worries aside for the sake of giving this a try.

“You seem to be thinking awfully hard.”

“Sorry,” I reply, giving him a sheepish grin.

“What’s the matter? Are you not okay with this?” he asks, starting to pull his arm out from behind me.

“No,” I blurt out quickly, watching as hesitancy fills his eyes. “That’s not it, really. I mean, I guess I was just overthinking this whole…us thing, but not in a bad way. I was just realizing how right it feels, even if it’s still a little scary.”

The smile that spreads across his lips is both energetic and youthful. It’s also a little crooked, which I suddenly find wildly attractive too. “I get that, El. If at any point you feel uncomfortable, please tell me. We can’t work through it if I don’t know how you’re feeling, deal?”

I nod, that kiss we shared flashing through my mind in vivid detail and making me wiggle.

TD watches me intently, studying me like a test. “This is one of those times you tell me how you’re feeling,” he murmurs, his voice suddenly deep and raw.

“Oh, well, I was just replaying that kiss from two weeks ago and wondering if it would be as great now as it was then.”

His eyes darken to black onyx. “Yeah? You were thinking about our kiss? Maybe we should try it again and see.”

I want to grin at how cheesy his line is, but the hum between my legs has my full attention right now. Well, that and the fact his mouth is moving closer to mine. My tongue slips out and wets my dry lips as my heart starts to hammer in my chest.

The first brush of his mouth across mine is like an electrocution. If it weren’t for his larger body anchoring me to the chair, I might have actually levitated from the power. His right hand moves to cup my jaw as his tongue slides along the seam of my lips. My mouth automatically opens for him, and the result is explosive. This kiss rekindles embers from our last kiss, consumes me, and burns me alive.

I mewl, ready to swing my leg over his and climb onto his lap, to feel every hard muscle beneath my fingers. Never have I been so brazen, so bold, yet here I am, on the verge of throwing caution to the wind and taking what I want. I know in this exact moment, if he were to suggest moving this to his bedroom or ridding ourselves of every stitch of clothing we wear, I’d do it in a heartbeat.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen.

TD rips his mouth from my own, breathing heavily and looking a little dazed when he opens his eyes. It’s in this moment I realize I’m still holding my breath and let it out in a rush of air. I hold his gaze, trying to come up with something to say, but my brain isn’t braining right now.

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