Page 55 of Pretty Dependable

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He clears his throat. “Uhh, wow.”

“Mmm,” I mutter, my lips feeling delectably swollen and well kissed.

“That wasn’t part of my plan,” he confesses softly, running his thumb over my bottom lip.

“You didn’t want to kiss me?” I ask, a little confused.

“Oh, no, I definitely wanted to do that. I didn’t want to overwhelm you tonight. My plan was to win you over with my charm and first date etiquette, not my stellar kissing abilities.”

A giggle bubbles up from my gut, breaking through the sexual tension surrounding us and lightening the mood. “They are pretty stellar,” I concede.

Giving me a wink, he adjusts his body so I’m tucked comfortably against his side once more and turns up the volume on the television. Adam is at the diner, getting ready to meet Drew Barrymore’s character, and I’m here for it. It doesn’t matter I’ve seen this movie a hundred times. It’s still amazing and makes me smile, especially the antics of his best friend.

I lean my head against TD and slightly shift my body, pressing myself against his side. His warmth seeps into me, his strength comforting me, and for the first time I’m truly wondering why we haven’t tried this before. It’s still a little scary, but there’s relief in dating my best friend too. No one knows me better, has seen me at my best and worst, and still wants to spend time with me despite it all.

There’s a smile on my face as I allow myself to truly relax for the first time in I don’t even know how long, because I know TD has me. I may not know where this road will lead, but I feel comfortable enough to get in the car with him. If it were anyone else, I’d still be standing on the side of the road, worrying and watching.

With a deep exhale, I let everything go and just be in the moment.

I’m here, with TD.

My friend.

Best. Date. Ever.


I open my eyes and stare straight ahead at the words moving up the television screen. Then, I turn to my right and find TD gazing down at me with a hint of a grin on his face. Realization slaps me across the face like an unwanted zit on your first date.

I fell asleep.

On our date.

Hells bells, this would be a great time for the ground to open up and swallow me whole.

In fact, I’m praying for it.

“Don’t do that,” he mumbles, lifting his arms up and stretching them over his head. The action causes his shirt to ride up just a bit, revealing a sliver of tanned skin across his abdomen.

“Do what?” I ask absently, my eyes locked in on the flesh.

“Well, not that. You can gawk at me all you want,” he quips, drawing my eyes back up to his face. Of course, I blush, the burn of embarrassment stinging my skin. “I meant don’t get embarrassed for falling asleep. You were tired. You worked most of the day, getting up pretty early this morning.”

“Yeah, but it’s rude,” I grumble, noticing for the first time my foot is kicked over his.

“No it’s not. In fact, quite the opposite. I’d find it rude if you forced yourself to stay awake, despite being exhausted, just to try to make me happy. I think the fact you were comfortable enough to fall asleep—in my arms, mind you—was the best compliment I could have had.”

I shake my head and chuckle awkwardly. “You’re nuts, you know that?”

“Probably, but still. I didn’t mind, El. In fact, I rather enjoyed holding you in my arms while you slept. That’s why I didn’t wake you until the end of the movie. I liked snuggling, and you know I’m not a snuggler.”

Shaking my head, I can’t fight the smile. “You are so a snuggler. A big one.”

He groans and tosses the blanket off our laps. “Keep it down, will you? I have a reputation to uphold.” When our gazes lock once more, he asks, “Ready to go home?”

“Yeah. Four thirty is going to come awfully early in the morning,” I state, stretching a little before climbing off the lounge chair. “This was the best purchase ever, by the way.”

“I finally see the appeal,” he replies with a wink before getting up and turning off the TV.
