Page 57 of Pretty Dependable

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I can’t believe I just went on a date with TD.

And the best part, it was amazing. Every moment was easy, and all I can hope is he enjoyed it as much as I did and that he’ll call me soon, maybe even for a second date.

I hear his truck start up in the lot out back and it takes everything I have not to run to my bedroom to look down at him while he leaves. But the ringing of my cell phone has me retrieving my purse and pulling it out. I smile again when I see his name.


“I told you I’d call.”

A giggle slips from my mouth. “You did,” I confirm.

“Is it too soon? Should I have waited the customary twenty-four hours post-date?”

“No. I think I prefer the twenty-four second post-date phone call,” I tease, even though it’s true.

“So, I was thinking,” he starts, but doesn’t continue.


“A second date. Is now a good time to ask what you’re doing tomorrow?”

Still smiling, I tell him, “I’m working until about two, and then Brody and I are going to the cabin for your sister’s cookout.”

“I’ll pick you up at two thirty.”

“It’s a date.”

“Yes, it is. See you tomorrow, El.”

“Good night, Thomas Dexter.”

“Night, Ellie Daniels. Sweet dreams.”

And they are, because TD stars in them from beginning to end, with his charming smile, sexy body, and lips made for kissing.

Oh, yes.

These dreams are definitely sweet ones.

Chapter Sixteen


“You’re smiling. A lot.”

I glance over at my sister, who’s obviously picked up on the fact I’m a bit happier to be around Ellie, especially after our date last night. And the fact I was given a kiss when I picked her up this afternoon to bring her to the cabin. Brody had just left, using their car to go pick up Morgan, so I was able to hold her in my arms and kiss her lips without anyone seeing.

“I enjoy being here,” I reply lamely, not wanting to get into the whole dating conversation again.

“How’d your date go last night?” she asks casually, clearly fishing for details.

My eyes betray me as they instantly seek Ellie out, and I realize it a moment too late.

Loree gasps and grabs my arm, bouncing up and down in excitement. “Holy shit, I knew it!” she bellows, drawing the attention of those in the near vicinity.

“Knock it off. We’re not exactly public with it yet,” I argue, turning to face the grill once more, flipping the burgers.

“You have no idea how happy this makes me,” she states quietly, handing over the package of hot dogs to add to the grill. “I’ve always known you’ve had a thing for her.”
