Page 56 of Pretty Dependable

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I turn to grab my forgotten wineglass and his beer bottle, which is almost full.

“Leave that. I’ll get it.”

“I’m not going to let you pick everything up after you take me home. It’ll take two minutes to do it before we leave,” I insist, spinning around to see what else needs to be taken inside.

“El.” When I look up and meet his gentle eyes, he whispers, “Leave it. Please.”

I can tell this means something to him, so I don’t fight. “At least let me take this inside and set it by the sink,” I state, holding up my wineglass and his beer bottle.

He gives me a slow grin that somehow pulls some invisible string from his lips to my female region, because my lady parts take notice. “Thank you, Ellie Daniels.”

I roll my eyes. “You’re welcome, Thomas Dexter.”

We move inside, and even though I hate the idea of leaving tonight’s dishes for him to clean up later, I do as asked. Setting the wineglass by the sink, I empty the beer bottle and toss it in the trash. Then, I take his outstretched hand and allow him to lead me through his house to the front door. He opens the passenger door to his truck, something that’s not lost on me. I’ve always told Brody the importance of chivalry and manners, but honestly, this is the first time I’ve witnessed this firsthand. No one seems to open doors for others anymore.

When he climbs into the driver’s seat, he starts the truck and backs from the driveway. Once he’s moving forward, he reaches over and takes my hand, linking our fingers together so fluidly, it’s as if we’ve been holding hands our whole lives. As if we just…fit.


By the time we pull behind the diner and park, I’m starting to get a little nervous again. This night has been unlike any I’ve ever experienced, and I know it’s because of who I was with. Any other first date might have felt uncomfortable and ended with an awkward goodbye at the door, but with TD, the entire evening felt thoughtful and catered to me.

He meets me around at my door and pulls it open, extending a hand to help me down. “Thank you. I had a really great night,” I tell him as we make our way toward the back entrance to the diner.

“Me too,” he replies, taking my keys and releasing the lock on the first door. We step inside and make our way up the stairs, flipping on the light as we go.

Finally, we reach the upper door, and TD unlocks that one too. I step inside the kitchen and set my purse down on the table. When I turn around, I find TD leaning against the doorjamb, watching me. I fidget with my hands, trying to keep my fingers busy for the sake of having something to do.

He pushes off the wall and approaches like a lion stalking a gazelle. When he’s directly in front of me again, he cups the sides of my face in both hands and gazes into my eyes. “Is it all right if I kiss you good night?”

My heart skips a beat. “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t,” I tell him, running my tongue over my bottom lip.

His mouth descends, pressing firmly against mine. I grip his upper arms, loving the softness of his skin beneath my fingertips. He doesn’t deepen the kiss the way he did at the start of the movie, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t pack a punch. There’s something incredibly intoxicating about kissing TD, and I hope this isn’t the last one I experience. Something tells me they’ll continue to get better and better as our relationship starts to grow.

He releases my lips but doesn’t pull away. “I want you to know, tonight was everything I had hoped it would be.”

“For me too,” I whisper, our gazes locked.


Then suddenly, he’s stepping back and putting distance between us. I open my mouth to invite him to stay, but the words fall flat as he asks, “Can I call you?” The corner of his mouth curls upward in this incredibly sexy way.

Clearing my throat, I reply, “Of course.”

He nods and reaches for the doorknob. “Lock up behind me. I’ll make sure the bottom door is secured.”

Just as he starts to move, I stop him. “TD?”

He glances back, his eyes locked on me. “Yeah?”

“Be careful going home.”

He flashes me an easy smile. “I will. I have a girl to call soon.”

I return the grin and nod. “Good night.”

“Night, El.”

Then, he’s gone, the heavy sound of his boots on the stairs moving away from me. It’s only when the door is closed downstairs do I finally exhale the breath I was holding. I spin in the middle of the room, holding my arms out like a child and letting my head fall back.

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