Page 60 of Pretty Dependable

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Suddenly, I’m smiling again, something I find myself doing often when she’s near. “When can we go out on our third date?”

Her eyebrows shoot upward as she gives me a look of humor mixed with confusion. “Third date? What happened to the second one?”

“Today was the second one,” I insist. “I picked you up. I’ll take you home. Maybe steal a kiss or two outside your door. That constitutes a date in my book.”

“Ahh, yes, you did mention that last night,” she says, sliding her hand down my arm. It’s not meant to be suggestive, but that little touch goes straight to my dick, reminding me of exactly how badly I want her.

“I did. So, date three?” I ask, trying to pull my brain away from the naughty route it’s trying to take.

“How about Saturday again? Since we have an away game Friday, it’ll be late when we get back home. Plus, I have to work Saturday morning, but I’m off Sunday.”

“Deal. Any thought of what you want to do?” I ask, ideas spinning in my head.

Ellie shrugs her shoulders. “I don’t need anything big and fancy. I actually prefer a more intimate setting like last night.”

I nod, just as the rest of the group comes out of the cabin. “I’ve got you. Besides, date three is my favorite date of all.”


“Second base, El.”

She barks out a laugh that draws her son’s attention, but he quickly goes back to his food and Morgan. “Says who?” she teases.

“It’s a rule.”

“Oh? And who made these rules?”

“Logan. When we were sixteen.”

She continues to laugh, which was my goal here. I’m not expecting to get to second base, or any base by a certain number of dates. I’ve always felt it will happen when we’re both ready, even though I really hope we’ll be ready soon. I’d never push her, never take more than what she’s willing to offer, more than anyone is willing to offer.

“That makes sense,” she responds, shaking her head. “Back then, he listened to a lot of Usher and Robin Thicke.”

“Ha!” I proclaim, shaking my head. “He really did. He played that damn twerking song on repeat.” Man, I enjoy walking beside this woman down memory lane. “Why don’t you go make a plate, while I finish cleaning the grill. Then I’ll join you.”

“Sounds good,” she replies, heading for the cabin. Just before she crosses the threshold, she glances over her shoulder and holds my gaze. Invisible sparks dance around us, and I know I’m completely gone. My crush I’ve harbored for way longer than appropriate is growing, crossing lines without one fuck to give. “Oh, and just so you know, I’m not against the third date rule.”

Then, she slips inside the cabin, leaving me breathless and with a sudden raging hard-on in the middle of a family cookout.




Once I help Rogan bait another hook and watch him cast, I step back to take in the scene. Logan is helping Hagen and comparing fish stories about who caught the bigger fish, while Ellie and Morgan sit over by the fire and chat. I walk over to where Brody sits in a folding chair, his line out in the lake as he tries for the biggest catch of the day.

“How’s it going?”

“Good. Getting lots of bites. Fish just ate my bait, though,” he tells me as I drop down onto the ground beside him.

“It’s a great day to wet a line,” I say, kicking out my legs and leaning back on my hands. “Things seem to be going well with Morgan.”

A goofy grin spreads across his face. “They are. She’s over visiting with Mom for a while, but she says she’ll come back over and fish in a bit.”

“It’s good that you have similar interests.”

He nods. “We do. Like you and Mom.”
