Page 59 of Pretty Dependable

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“It’s fine,” I assure, “But Loree might have figured out who my date was with last night.”

Ellie’s eyes widen is surprise. “Really? How?”

I run my hand through my hair and down the back of my neck. “Uhh, apparently, I can’t keep my eyes off you.”

She blushes, just as I knew she would. “Oh. Well, I suppose that’s a good reason, right? And it’s not like Logan and Brody don’t already know, so really your sister finding out was probably inevitable. You and I both know this small town knows how to gossip,” she says with a grin.

Reaching for her hand, I slip my fingers around hers. “Very true. Speaking of Brody, he seems pretty happy to have Morgan here.”

“Doesn’t he? I just adore her. She’s the sweetest girl. I’m secretly hoping they decide to date more seriously, though I’m also torn because I want him to enjoy his last bit of youthful freedom before adulthood crashes down on him.”

I find myself bringing her hand to my lips and kissing her knuckles. “I know, but I don’t think you have anything to worry about with him. He has a great head on his shoulders, thanks to you. I think adding a girlfriend will only enhance his great qualities.”

She gazes up at me with conflicted eyes, and I already know where her mind has gone. “I just don’t want him to find himself in a situation where he’s forced to grow up sooner than he’s supposed to.” Her words are just over a whisper.

“Like you,” I deduce. This time, when I bring her hand to my face, I maneuver her palm so it’s resting against my cheek. I could bathe in the heat of her skin, in the softness of her touch.

She exhales slowly. “I messed up at his age.”

“Maybe, but you didn’t do it alone. In fact, the one who messed up was the asshole we won’t name, who walked away from his responsibilities instead of being a fucking man and owning them.” That familiar itch causes my skin to tingle every time I think about that piece of shit who knocked her up in high school and walked away with a college scholarship and not a care in the world.

“You know what, it’s fine. Would it have helped to have him in Brody’s life? Sure. But not if he didn’t want to be, because ultimately, he would have walked away at another point in my son’s life. So, fuck him.”

The biggest smile spreads across my lips. “Say it again,” I instruct, noticing the blush already creeping up her neck.

“That slipped out.”

“No way, El. Say it again, because it’s how you really feel. Yell it.”

She giggles, covering her mouth with her other hand. “I can’t yell it.”

“Sure you can. Let it fly, baby.”

Her laughter is the balm that heals my scarred, scared heart. “Don’t make me,” she counters through giggles.

“Do it,” I encourage, chanting those two words three more times.

Ellie closes her eyes and says, “Fuck him.”

“Louder, El.”

“Fuck him!” she bellows, covering her mouth with her hand when she realizes just how loudly she yelled the profanity.

“Uhh, Mom?”

Ellie spins around and finds Brody and Morgan standing on the porch. Brody’s face shows sheer shock at hearing his mom not only curse, but practically screaming it, while Morgan’s trying not to laugh. “Oh my God!” Ellie whisper-yells, the mortification all over her face.

Brody just shrugs, holding his plate full of food, as he walks down the steps and heads for the chairs around the fire. “Don’t worry about it. Sometimes, the situation calls for a good fuck-him, Mom.”


The seventeen-year-old chuckles as he passes by where we stand. “Sorry, Mom.”

Ellie spins around and faces me. “See what you made me do? I just cursed in front of my son. Your nephews are right inside and probably heard it.”

“That was sexy as fuck, El. I think you should curse more often. Besides, my sister curses. Believe me when I tell you, they’ve heard it all.”

She shakes her head. “It’s still not my place to say it in front of them.”
