Page 79 of Pretty Dependable

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Snickering, I nod. “Uhh, yeah, El, he did.”

“Oh my God, how embarrassing,” she mutters, dropping her face into her hands.

I move in her direction and pull her into my arms. “He’s seventeen, honey. He knows what happens behind closed doors,” I reason, kissing her forehead.

“Yeah, but he’s not supposed to draw attention to the fact he knows. He’s my baby boy.”

Smiling, I reply, “Yes, but he’s seventeen. You probably don’t want to think about the things he’s doing himself.”

Ellie’s jaw falls, a look of horror etched on every inch of her beautiful face. “No, I don’t want to think about that at all.”

With my arms wrapped around her shoulders, I hug her against my chest. “I assure you he doesn’t want to think about it either. He was teasing us since he saw my bag. He was acknowledging it and letting us know he’s okay with me spending the night.”

She sighs and presses her face into my chest. “Still embarrassing. These walls are so thin.”

“They are, but that’s not something we have to stress about. Wanna go watch some TV and snuggle?” I suggest, hoping it’ll help get her mind off her son’s reference to us being together tonight.

“Sure,” she says, taking my offered hand and walking to the couch.

The living room is small, but comfortable as we sit together on the sofa. There’s also a recliner chair, coffee table, and a bookshelf with some of their favorite books and photos beneath the TV. Ellie grabs the remote, while I kick my feet up and get cozy, her curled against my side.

We spend the next hour and a half watching a mindless show she enjoys, but it doesn’t bother me. In fact, I love it. Listening to the sound of her giggles is the best noise in the world, right after the sound she makes when she’s coming.

When she yawns just after nine, I take that as our cue to shut off the television. “Ready for bed, El?”

“Yeah. I don’t have to get up as early tomorrow, but I’ll still be wide awake by six.” That’s what she considers sleeping in. I can tell something’s still on her mind, and I want to find out what it is. Maybe I can help her with whatever is weighing on her mind.

I flip off the TV and toss the remote onto the couch. “I’ll go make sure the doors are locked, while you get ready,” I suggest.

While I move to the kitchen and down the stairs, I hear her knock on Brody’s door and they have a conversation. After ensuring both the bottom door and the top one are secure, I grab my overnight bag and make my way toward her bedroom.

When I reach the short hallway, Brody’s standing in his doorway dressed in a pair of comfortable lounge pants and a T-shirt. “You get everything locked up?” he asks, his eyes dropping to my bag once more.

“I did,” I confirm. “You okay with this?” I find myself asking, knowing if he wasn’t, I’d apologize to Ellie and take off. No way do I want to cause Brody any uneasiness in his own home, especially with me spending the night with his mom.

“Yeah,” he insists rapidly. “Of course, TD. I, uh, think it’s cool you’re here.”

“Okay,” I reply. “If at any time you’re not cool with it, will you tell me?”

He nods. “Of course, but I’m pretty sure that’s not going to happen. She’s not the only one who loves having you around.”

A small smile hits my lips, and I reach out and give his shoulder a squeeze. “Night, Brode. See you in the morning.”

He returns the grin and stands up tall. “You making eggs and bacon for breakfast?”

“If you help me,” I reply.

“See you at seven,” he states before stepping back and gently shutting his door.

Slipping inside Ellie’s bedroom, I find her nervously twisting her hands together in the middle of the room. She’s wearing flannel pajama pants and a matching button-down top, and even though she looks warm and cozy, my cock takes notice of the way the material hangs across her bare tits. “Let me get ready, okay?”

She nods quickly, moving to her bed and pulling the warm comforter down to climb beneath. I exit the room once more and go to the bathroom in the hall. I quickly brush my teeth and use the head, knowing I need to get back to her and find out what’s eating at her. I pray she’s not second-guessing me staying tonight, but if she is, we’ll deal with it together.

When I’ve completed those tasks, I return to her room, closing the door tightly behind me. She’s lying on one side of her bed, an empty pillow waiting for me. I toe off my athletic shoes and socks, followed by my long-sleeved T-shirt. I leave my black joggers on, not knowing what to expect from our conversation, even though I’d much rather take those off too, especially since I tend to sleep on the hot side.

Finally, I climb into her bed and draw her close. Her arms reach for me the same way mine reach for her, and she instantly throws her leg over mine. Her toes are like icicles against my foot, but I don’t mind. “Tell me what’s wrong, El,” I encourage quietly.

She exhales loudly but doesn’t say a word for nearly a full minute. Eventually, I feel her tense before she looks up at me and asks, “Do you want to have kids?”
