Page 87 of Pretty Dependable

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Ellie peels her lips from mine and turns to the left. I do the same, finding our friends standing there, smiling. “Well, this is awkward,” she mumbles, turning and burying her face in my sweatshirt.

“Nah, they knew this was coming, and better be prepared to see it more often, because I plan to kiss you all the time, El,” I tell her.

“Like, all the time, all the time? Because if so, I might reconsider my stance on you dating my mom, Coach,” Brody chimes in, making everyone laugh.

Ellie heads his way and pulls him into a hug. “I’m sorry to ruin your senior night.”

“You didn’t,” he quickly reassures her, glancing around him. “I have all the people I love here with me. Everything else is just noise.”

She squeezes him hard. “I know. I just wish that confrontation wouldn’t have happened here. Or at all,” she mutters.

“It needed to happen,” Blair adds. “They needed to know they’ve been wrong about you this whole time.”

Ellie turns my way. “By the way, how did you know all that stuff about Rusty? About the affair and kids and stuff.”

I run my hands over the back of my neck, not wanting to out my friend. Fortunately, he takes care of that for me, sharing how I knew those details about Rusty.

“He told me,” Logan announces. “Last summer, when I was in Milwaukee for a convention, I ran into him at a restaurant. He invited me to have drinks with him, and even though I didn’t want to, I couldn’t exactly lie to his face to get out of it.”

“Yes, you could!” Hallie demands. “You kick him in the balls and walk away.”

Logan rolls his eyes. “Anyway, after only one beer, he started telling me all about his fancy life, bragging about everything, including the fact he’s been banging his dental hygienist for years and they share two small kids.”

“What a loser.” I turn and realize this statement came from Brody. “Seriously, Mom. I’m glad he’s not part of my life.”

“If he wanted to be, I would have allowed it,” she quickly adds. “I tried to include him. Him and his parents, but they refused.”

“I know,” he replies with a shrug. “It doesn’t matter, really.” He looks my way. “I got the better part of the deal anyway.”

My heart.

Fuck, I love that boy.

“Let’s take some pictures before we all freeze to death,” Gabe announces, making everyone laugh.

We spend the next fifteen minutes taking dozens of photos with all the people close to Brody. I take a few on my own phone of just Ellie and her boy, and happily save the ones of the three of us together Hallie took and sent. The close-up of us was quickly set as my phone background image.

“Mom, is it okay if I take Morgan by Miss Molly’s Ice Cream to see the gang?”

“Of course,” Ellie replies. “Have fun and be safe.”

Brody walks over and gives her a quick hug. “I’ll be home by curfew. Love you. Thank you, all, for coming tonight. Means the world to me that you were here.”

Gabe, Blair, Logan, and Hallie all say their goodbyes to him and head for their vehicles. Before Brody and Morgan take off, he walks over to where I stand. I prepare for a handshake or something, but not the big hug I’m given. I return the gesture, gently squeezing back and giving a firm pat on his upper back.

“I know we’re guys and all, but I hope it’s okay I hug you every now and again,” Brody says quietly.

“It’s more than all right, Brode. You can hug me whenever you want.”

He nods and releases me. “Cool.” He shifts on his feet, something I know he does when he gets a little nervous. “Also, I wanted you to know I love you too. I know I haven’t said it before, but I’ve always secretly wished you would have been my dad. Even if that never officially happens, I’ve looked up to you as if you were since I was a little boy.”

My throat closes. Seriously, how the fuck am I supposed to breathe after that?

“I’ve always considered you my boy, Brody, and always will.”

He nods and squeezes my shoulder before turning his attention to Morgan. I watch as he takes her hand and leads her toward the car, a wave of pride washing over me so strong I’m not sure I’ll ever feel anything but that where he’s concerned. “I know I’ve said this before, but you’ve raised an amazing kid, El.”

She slips her arm around mine and cuddles into my side. “We’ve done an amazing job. I was never alone, even if, at times, it felt like I was.”
