Page 32 of Pretty Drunk

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Suddenly, a wolfish grin spreads across his face, and I know he’s decided. “What are the terms? Are you going to wash my truck a second time?”

“Nope, we’ll raise the stakes.”

“Okay, and what would those be?”

Thinking for a few long seconds, the perfect idea hits me. “If I win, you not only have to wash my Jeep in whatever I pick, which was the original bet, but you also have to call bingo at ladies’ night at the church.”

“That’s it?” he asks, shocked by such a manageable task.

“In a tutu.”

His eyes widen before narrowing. “Wait a minute, this isn’t how all or nothing works. If I win, I get both. If you win, you get nothing.”

I shrug my shoulders. “Yeah, well, it’s my birthday. My rules.”

After a beat he finally answers, “Fine. But if I win, I get both too. You washing my truck and wearing a tutu while calling bingo.”

“Deal,” I agree, extending my hand. “What’s your choice?” I ask, looking out at the vast space filled with games. I try not to let my hopeful eyes linger too long on the pool table, hoping he doesn’t remember I used to play a lot when I was younger. If anything, I’m pretty decent at most of the arcade games and would definitely kick his ass at pinball. In fact, there’s not a lot in here I wouldn’t have a damn good chance at winning. Well, everything but one thing.

A wolfish grin transforms his gorgeous face into a work of art. He levels me with a look as he leans in and whispers, “Darts.”


Chapter Ten


“I think I’m just going to walk home. I don’t get into vehicles with cheaters.”

The easiest bark of laughter flies from my mouth and lightens my soul. When was the last time I enjoyed myself as much as I have tonight? The lighthearted banter, the bets, and the woman herself have combined to make a pretty fun night.

“I didn’t cheat. You just suck at darts,” I tell her, clicking the unlock button on my fob and opening the passenger door. “Besides, Gabe would beat me up if I left his sister stranded on the sidewalk at the bar.”

Her eyes narrow and her arms cross over her chest. The act causes her ample cleavage to spill out of her dress even more. And speaking of the dress, did I mention how fucking edible she looks tonight? I almost swallowed my tongue when I walked into the bar and saw her standing with our friends. “It’s Pine Village. I live three blocks away. I’m sure I can manage to get myself home safely without the help of a big, strong man. Go find a damsel in distress elsewhere, Johnson.”

My cock roars to life at the sass behind my last name, getting hard and pressing painfully against my zipper. “I see no damsel in distress, only a woman who is a horrible loser.” I point inside the cab of my truck. “Get in.”

She huffs but does as instructed and climbs inside the cab of my truck. Once the door is closed, I walk around and get behind the wheel. I only had one beer early in the night before switching to water, so I’m perfectly fine to drive. Starting the truck, I pull out of the parking spot and steer toward Hallie’s condo.

“I’m not wearing a tutu,” she grumbles from the seat beside me.

Hiding my smile, I reply, “I’m pretty sure you would have made me wear one had you won. Stop being a sore loser, Cupcake. You did the crime, now you do the time.”

“But it’s my birthday,” she argues, as if that’s reason enough to forfeit the bet.

“Your point?” I ask, turning down the street leading to her place.

“My point is…you know what? Never mind. You’re mean.”

Again, I laugh and shake my head. When I pull into her driveway, I throw my gearshift into Park and turn to face my passenger. “I’m not mean, Hallie. I just know what buttons to push.”

Her blue eyes, despite being dark in the truck cab, turn a deeper sapphire color, one I can associate with her being turned on. “Why do you do that?”

“Push your buttons?” I shrug my shoulders and continue, “I guess because I enjoy getting a rise out of you. And before you argue, it’s not because I like seeing you mad or anything, but because you give it right back. If I thought it really bothered you, I wouldn’t do it.”

“So you like torturing yourself…and me?”

Smiling, I shrug. “Yeah, I guess so.”

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