Page 53 of Pretty Drunk

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After ringing him up, I holler at Chip. “Going back to my office for a bit. Holler if you need help.”

“Sounds good,” he replies as I round the corner and move down the short hallway.

As I breach the threshold of my office, I stop in my tracks. Shay is sitting at my desk, but it’s what she’s holding in her hand that causes my heart to seize in my chest. “What the hell are you doing?”

My ex-wife’s eyes slowly move from the ultrasound photo she’s holding to me. “Well, isn’t this interesting,” she practically sings, a wicked grin spreading across her bright pink lips.

“Can I help you with something?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Oh, don’t go all caveman on me. I came in here to leave you a note.”

“Notepads are on the desk,” I counter, blowing holes in her bullshit the size of the Grand Canyon.

“Yes, but I needed a pen,” she adds sweetly.

“Coffee cup by the phone,” I reply, pointing to where there were a dozen pens directly in front of her face.

“Oh, I didn’t see them.” Her laugh is excessive and over-the-top, a telltale sign she’s lying.

I stand here, waiting her out. I’m going to make her ask about what she’s looking at. I won’t bring it up first, mostly because the first person I talk to and tell about the baby isn’t going to be my ex-wife.

“This is why you’ve been hanging out with Hallie?”

Again, I don’t say a word.

“Wow, I can’t believe it. You and Hallie? I didn’t see that one coming.”

“Why?” I blurt out before I can think better of it, but she’s always had a negative opinion where Hallie’s concerned, and frankly, I want to know the reason.

“Well, you’re so different,” she starts, tossing the ultrasound photo onto my desk like it’s nothing, and I suppose to her, it is. “You have a type, and she’s not it.”

Anger swirls in my gut as I continue to stare at her. “What type would that be?”

“Oh, you know. Blonde with a skinny waist and boobs,” she states matter-of-factly with a shrug.

“Actually, that’s not my type. Well, it was, back when I was young, dumb, and only thought with my dick. Now that my actual brain is involved, she’s very much my type.”

She seems stunned by my comment and sputters a response. “Wh-we-well…”

“My type is none of your concern, but I assure you, Hallie Rhodes checks every box on my list,” I reply, watching as my ex’s cheeks turn an unnatural shade of red. It’s not necessarily out of embarrassment but most likely out of anger. Shay has never liked Hallie and hates being second to her for anything.

Me included.

The fact I could be in a relationship with her—even if only in Shay’s mind—would be enough to send my ex into a tizzy of pettiness and spitefulness.

Shay clears her throat and stands. “Well, I’m glad you’re happy.”

“Thanks,” I reply, a fake smile on my lips.

She glances down at the ultrasound once more before sauntering around my desk and heading right for me. I step aside, giving her plenty of room to pass by me, but of course, in true Shay fashion, she rubs against me with her tits and hands. “You know, if you ever get bored, you can give me a call.”

“Never going to happen, Shay.”

Continuing to stare at me under heavily made-up eyelashes, she bats them a few times before smiling. “If you say so,” she replies with a shrug, running a finger across my chest. “Just know the offer stands. We had a lot of good times, Logie. If you get tired of watching your girlfriend’s already big ass grow even larger, call me.”

Before I can mutter a word in outrage, she struts out of my office, the clicking of her obnoxious heels on the floor grating on every nerve I have. I step farther into my office and shut the door with a little extra force. I’m pissed. Pissed she found the ultrasound. Pissed she insulted Hallie the way she did. Pissed she had the fucking gall to think I’d ever stoop so low as to sleep with her again. I let my dick make my decisions back when we got together, and I’ll be damned if I let that happen again.

Except I kinda let that happen with Hallie…
