Page 57 of Pretty Drunk

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The hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

Hallie must miss it, because she replies, “That glow’s not from the pregnancy. It’s from puking.”

“Wait, you already knew?” I ask, glancing over at Hallie, who finally realizes what was said.

Gram shrugs her shoulders. “I might have heard about it before I arrived here.”

Hallie’s mouth drops open. Considering no one else knew before three or four hours ago, that’s pretty telling as to who opened her big fucking mouth.

I sigh and drop onto my chair. “Where did you run into her?” I ask, unable to hide my irritation.

“At the bank. I’ll be honest, at first, I didn’t believe it. No way would my grandson be expecting a baby and his ex-wife know before me,” Gram says with a chuckle. “But then I took one look at this lovely woman when she walked in, and I realized it was true.”

“Shay knows?” my mom asks as we all return to our seats.

“Unfortunately,” I mutter, reaching for my fork. “She went nosing through my desk this afternoon and found the ultrasound.”

My mom’s eyes brighten. “There’s an ultrasound?”

Hallie nods. “I’ll get it for you.”

“After dinner. Let’s all enjoy a meal together,” Mom replies, picking up her fork once more.

“That’s right. We’re not letting that ungrateful cow spoil our evening,” Gram says, lifting her glass of water. “To Logan, Hallie, and my little great-grandchild. May the pregnancy be smooth and healthy, and may what I assume was a drunken night together be the start of something amazing and forever.”

I groan, while Hallie chokes on the air she breathes.

“Let’s eat!”

Chapter Seventeen


The moment we get into Logan’s truck, my phone rings. I pull it from my purse and spot my mom’s name on the screen. Fearing something’s wrong, I quickly tap the answer button. “Hello?”

“Hallie Marie Rhodes!” she bellows into the phone, causing me to pull the device away from my ear. “You’re pregnant?!”

All I can do is sit here, silently.

“I take that as a yes,” she mutters.

“In my defense, this is why I called you earlier, but you weren’t going to be home. It’s why I told you I would be coming over tomorrow night after work.”

Mom sighs. “I just hate having to hear something like this from Jeanie Long.”

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. “I’m sorry. It wasn’t supposed to happen like that. We had every intention of telling you before the rest of the world found out.”

“Your parents know?” Logan whispers, a look of horror and resolution on his face.

I nod at him and continue talking to my mom, “Shay found out by snooping in Logan’s desk drawer. She found the sonogram and apparently told everyone before she even left work.”

There’s a short pause on the phone line. “Logan Johnson is the baby’s father?”

“Uhh, yes?”

“I didn’t know you were seeing him!” she proclaims. “Roger, Roger! It’s not Curtis’s baby, it’s Logan’s!”

“Logan Johnson? I wasn’t aware they were dating,” I hear my dad say in the background.
