Page 79 of Pretty Drunk

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An instant, natural smile spreads across his lips. “Perfect. Best decision I ever made, and do you know why? Because she makes me happy, and every day is better than the one before. It’s not all wine and roses all the time, but we talk and compromise. We make it work because any other way isn’t an option. I’d do anything to see her smile, because her happiness means everything to me. She’s the other half of my soul.”

I absorb his words, focusing on the part about her happiness meaning everything to him. Why? Because I feel the exact same way.

Is that love?

I’m pretty sure it is.

“I gotta go,” I tell TD, tapping his door as I push away. “Tell El I said hello.”

“Will do,” he replies, throwing his SUV into gear. “Have a safe drive.”

“You too. Be careful out there,” I tell my closest friend as I slide into my truck and turn over the engine.

I press a little harder on the gas, determined to get to Hallie. I don’t know what I’m going to do about my revelation, but I know I need to see her. Hold her in my arms. Kiss her. Make love to her. I may not be ready to tell her how I feel, but that doesn’t mean I can’t show her.

If I had it my way, I’d spend the rest of my life doing just that.

Now, I just have to figure out how to say the words I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to say again.

And pray she doesn’t throw them back in my face.

Chapter Twenty-Three


He’s different.

All through dinner with Bernice, he seemed…attentive. Even more so than usual, which is a lot by normal standards, but tonight it’s incredibly noticeable. Usually, when we’re around other people, he keeps his hands somewhat to himself, but not tonight. He keeps touching me, touching my belly. Little caresses that send my blood swooshing and prickles of awareness peppering my entire body.

By the time we’re ready to leave, I’m so worked up I’m not sure we’ll even make it back to the cabin. Hell, I’m not sure we’ll make it out of Bernice’s driveway.

“Oh, Logan, will you be a dear and go check the light bulb in my bedroom? It seems dimmer and might need changed,” Bernice says before we’re able to make it to the front door.

“Of course,” Logan replies, releasing his hold on my hand and taking off down the hallway.

Bernice lives in a tiny one-bedroom condo in a small area with other older individuals. She’s able to still remain independent, but with the added bonus of not having to worry about mowing a lawn or shoveling snow. Plus, she’s close to the community center where she plays bingo often.

“Go ahead and have a seat. He’ll be a few minutes,” Bernice announces, pointing at the couch.

The moment I take a seat on the floral sofa, she takes the place directly beside me. “Thank you, again, for dinner. It was amazing,” I tell her, placing my hand on my stomach.

“You’re most welcome, dear. You’re always welcome here.”

I give her a small smile. “Thanks.”

“You two make the most beautiful couple. I’m so happy you’re together.”

“Oh, we’re not…you know, together,” I stammer, having a hard time getting the right words out.

She gives me a curious look. “Why?”

I open my mouth but close it just as quickly. “Umm,” I start, clearing my throat, “Well, we’ve never really discussed it.” I feel a little embarrassed admitting that.

“Again, why?”

“Gram,” Logan says before walking around the corner. He narrows his eyes at the older woman sitting beside me and places his hands on his hips. “The light bulb is gone, Gram. Gone. That’s not dim. That’s dark. How did the light bulb get removed?”

“Oh,” she replies with a chuckle. “I almost forgot to tell you. I decided to check it out so you didn’t have to come all the way over here to change a silly light bulb.”
