Page 80 of Pretty Drunk

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Logan exhales. “You got on a stepladder?”

“Well, no. You took my stepladder, remember?”

“Yes, because you kept using it.”

“So, I didn’t have one.”

He closes his eyes for a moment. “How did you take the light bulb out, Gram?”

“I used one of the kitchen chairs.”

“Gram!” he argues, throwing his hands in the air. “Those move.”

“Which made it very tricky when I was climbing on it to take the light bulb out of the socket,” she reasons.

He grumbles a few things I can’t understand, and I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing. Clearly, she doesn’t need to be climbing on anything, let alone a dining room chair that spins from side to side.

“Could you not do that, please? Never again. I’ll come change your light bulbs.”

“You’ve just been so busy with Hallie and the baby.”

“He’s never too busy for you,” I step in, hoping to help calm the situation before Logan blows the blood vessel beside his eye. “Just call, and we’ll come help. Even though I’m sure you’re perfectly capable of climbing a ladder and changing your own light bulb, why not take advantage of your young, muscular grandson?”

Bernice leans in and places her warm, wrinkled hand against my cheek. “You’re the sweetest, dear. Thank you.”

Logan huffs a long sigh. “I’ll go get the new bulb,” he mumbles.

When he returns to the bedroom, Bernice turns her attention back to me. “Your relationship with my grandson isn’t mine to meddle in, I know, but I’ve been watching you two for so long. There’s something there.”

“We’re just having a baby,” I reply unnecessarily, as if she wasn’t aware of that point.

Smiling, she reaches down and squeezes my hand. “And I know you’re both very excited about that. We all are. But from the outside looking in, there appears to be more than just having a baby,” she says, using air quotes for the last four words.

Again, I open my mouth, but nothing comes out.

“I’m not trying to make you uncomfortable, dear. I just wanted to tell you what I see from where I stand, because sometimes, when you’re close to it, the picture may not be as clear for you.”

“All right, Gram, you’re all set,” Logan announces as he walks back into the living room. “Your room won’t be so dim anymore,” he adds with the shake of his head.

“Thank you, Logan,” Bernice replies, standing up and walking toward him for a hug. “I appreciate your assistance.”

He squeezes her extra hard and long. “You’re welcome.” Then, he looks over at me. “Ready?”

I nod, standing up and making my way to Bernice. I give her a hug too, reveling in the comfort she offers. “Thank you, again, for your hospitality.”

“Please come back soon,” she tells me as she holds my gaze and places her hands on my cheeks. Then, she lowers her hands to my belly. “Take care of this little angel.”

“I will,” I assure her.

Bernice turns back to her grandson and adds, “You take care of both of them.”

“I will, Gram.”

“All right, well, you two better get going. It’s getting late. I want you home before the hooligans decide to run amuck through the streets,” she insists.

Logan snorts. “You just want us to leave because Night Court is getting ready to start.”

Bernice fans her face with her right hand as she whispers, “That John Larroquette is such a looker.”
