Page 95 of Pretty Drunk

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She seems resigned to realize her game is over. I hold my breath as she reaches for an ink pen and signs her name across the line.

I’ve done it.

I officially own my entire family business.

“You’ll be sorry,” she mumbles.

“No, you will. You had a pretty sweet gig here,” I start, reaching for the papers and signing my own name across the other line. “You barely worked and have been compensated too well for it. Now, you get to take your money and move on.”

She huffs, as if realizing she’s about to be fairly wealthy from the sale. “I’ve already moved on. With Rick.”

I shrug, not caring in the least.

“He’s a lawyer. Wealthy. Comes from a great family. Not some small-town hardware store guy like you,” she states, assuming she’s going to hurt me with her words. Unfortunately, they’re meaningless.

“Great. Go have a nice life with Rick. I hope his wife doesn’t mind you hanging around her husband.” I don’t know Rick or if he’s married, but I do know Shay, and when something that looks like realization flashes in her eyes, I know I’ve hit the nail on the head.

“When I walk out the door, that’s it for us,” she says, and I almost laugh in her face.

Instead, I look her straight in the eye and say, “Don’t let the door hit your ass on your way out.”

With a huff and a cloud of expensive perfume, Shay storms out of my office and out of my life.

Hopefully, forever.

I lean back in my chair and smile. I’m a free man. I’ll be in debt for the rest of my life, but I don’t give a shit. I’ve done it. I’m rid of my terrible ex-wife and officially the sole owner of my family’s business.

There’s just one more thing I have to take care of…

Chapter Twenty-Seven


It’s been a long day.

The kids seemed extra wound up from the weekend and struggled to fall back into our classroom routine. Add in the fact I haven’t been sleeping well since I moved out of the cabin and into my own place, which contributed to my own battle to remain focused and calm when needed.

Of course, a big part of my distraction was thinking about Logan and the early morning text he sent me. I thought about replying a million times, but each reply I came up with felt wrong. Not heartfelt enough, not aloof enough, and everything in between. So instead of firing off a reply, I kept staring down at his message, wishing things were different.

I need to talk to him, but telling someone you love them isn’t something you send in a message. It should be done face-to-face so he can see everything in my eyes and hear everything written in my heart. But he’s still working, preparing to close his business down for the evening, and I’m left fighting with myself on when the right time to have this conversation is.

Now, I’m home and staring at the fridge, trying to decide what I want to eat for dinner. Honestly, I wish I would have ordered a pizza on my way, but I convinced myself I should just eat some of the food I purchased to stock the fridge. However, now that I’m here, looking at the ham lunch meat, salad fixings, and carton of eggs, none of it sounds good.

There’s a knock at the front door, resulting in me closing the fridge. It’s probably Blair, and I’m certain she’s not delivering pizza. When I glance through the peephole, my heart skips a beat.

What’s Logan doing here?

I release the lock and turn the knob, coming face-to-face with the man I love for the first time in two excruciatingly long days. “Hi.”

“Hey,” he replies, a gentle smile on his scruffy face. He looks…good, despite looking a bit tired. His jaw is covered with dark stubble, and my thighs clench at the thought of it rubbing against the sensitive skin.

I glance down, noticing the pizza he’s holding in his hands for the first time. “What’s that?” I ask, my mouth watering as the aroma hits my nostrils.

“Dinner. I took a chance you haven’t eaten yet,” he tells me, holding up the box.

“Did you get breadsticks?” I ask, ignoring the way my stomach growls hungrily.

He grins a goofy smile and holds up the white bag. “Of course.”
