Page 103 of Love to Fear You

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He tsks. “If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise. But it’s a little trinket to commemorate you passing your test.”

“Wait.” I hold up my hand. “You just found out I passed. How do you already have a gift for me?”

He grins. “I knew you would pass.”

I blink. “You did? How?”

“Because I believe in you, malishka. I always will.”

My lip trembles. I haven’t heard those words from anybody in a long time. I’ve done nothing except fuck up my life over the past two years, becoming a screwup in everybody’s eyes. My dad sees me as a failure, and Mom would too if she were alive.

But Alek doesn’t see me that way. In his eyes, I’m perfect.

“Stop it,” I whisper. “You’re going to make me cry in front of everyone.”

“Good idea. They’ll think I was mean to you and throw them off our scent.”

I slap his arm, which makes him chuckle. “I’m being serious. Thank you—that means a lot.”

“I’ll give you your surprise tonight,” he says. “I’ll pick you up for dinner at seven. Wear something nice.”

I offer him a coy smile. “It’s a date.”

Alek’s eyes grow hooded, and his tongue darts out to lick his lips.

“How do I get you alone?” he whispers. “I want to kiss you right now.”

Rising from my seat, I don’t say a word. I convey my intent with just one look, and Alek’s pupils dilate.

I turn to exit the dining hall, leaving my lunch and bookbag behind. Making a straight shot for the first-floor bathroom, I head inside and make sure it’s clear.

And then I wait.

Alek will find me. He always does, and every time he catches me, sparks fly.

Later that night, I put the finishing touches on my makeup while sitting at the vanity, where I apply a shade of lipstick matching my red bodycon dress.

Tonight, I’m going all out for our first official date. If I’m lucky, we won’t even make it to the restaurant before he tears my clothes off.

A sharp knock raps on my door.

“Come in.” In the mirror, I watch my dad open the door and step inside.

He pauses on the threshold with a surprised look on his face. “Wow, you look nice.”

“Thanks. I have a date.”

“A date with Aleksandr Kurochkin?” His lips set into a fine line.

I tense up.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

“I know, Willow. You two aren’t exactly discreet.”

I exhale. “Can you keep this between us? His dad isn’t thrilled about his son dating an American.”

He folds his arms, staring at the floor. “The president has called an emergency meeting with me at his estate. And he specifically asked you to come.”
