Page 117 of Love to Fear You

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“The protesters. Don’t you feel it? The restlessness? The hatred for the rich is brimming, and how long will it be until they’ve had enough? It’s only a matter of time before they rise up and take their country back.”

“Nah, your dad won’t let that happen.”

Konstantin is a boarding school brat. He didn’t spend much time in Andarusia until high school. Sure, he understands what’s going on, but he doesn’t grasp how close this nation is to revolution. His parents’ mansion on the outskirts of town shields him from reality.

I catch sight of another guard, though I recognize this one’s face. His rifle is in his hands, ready for action as he glances at each of his comrades.

“Don’t sweat it,” Konstantin says, pulling my focus onto him. “You’re going to be president someday. Just make sure you don’t forget your friends who helped you get there.” He winks and gives my shoulder a little shake before peering out across the stage. “Popov needs to wrap it up. I want to get this over with so we can start the brunch. All this talk of poor people is making me hungry.”

Chapter 28


“And now, may I present the graduating class of the President’s Academy of Olininburg!”

As Headmaster Popov announces us, applause erupts from the audience. I follow the other girls onto the stage, where I meet Dmitry halfway.

I’m one of the worst dancers in our class, so Mrs. Orlova relegated us to the back row. Dmitry is pretty good, though his tall, lanky form makes for an awkward dance partner.

That, and the fact he quakes with fear anytime I come near him.

Dmitry gulps, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he takes his position in front of me.

I glance two rows ahead, where Alek and Johanna are standing the same way, facing each other. It’s surprising to see him out of his school uniform, but somehow, he makes Andarusian folk costumes sexy. His black vest hugs his toned chest over flowy, white sleeves, not to mention the loose, black pants and leather boots. Black is his color, after all.

For a moment, I swear Alek’s eyes are on me, but when I blink, his attention is on Johanna.

The school orchestra is performing the music for our dance, and the conductor raises his baton in the pit. When he brings it down, the waltz begins, and we all bow to our partners. Dmitry offers his hand to me, palm facing the ceiling, and I place mine on top.

We begin to move, twirling in circles as couples spin around each other like whirling dervishes. I’m clumsy with the steps, and Dmitry has to keep me at a distance to avoid tripping on my feet. Our movements are awkward.

For the next part, we gather into groups of eight, bringing our hands in the middle and walking in a circle. I move my arm up and down to match the other girls, trying to be graceful.

Everyone is looking into the center to stay in formation, and across the circle from me is Alek. When our eyes meet, every nerve ending in my body lights up. I bite my lip under his intense gaze.

I’m not sure what I’m looking for in his eyes. Perhaps some shred of hope to hold onto, something to change my mind and keep me here. With Alek.

He’s the only person who could make me stay.

But his expression is unreadable, set into stone like a marble statue.

Our circle disbands, and his eyes tear away from mine.

Dmitry takes my hand, but I’m so distracted I forget the steps. He tugs and inclines his head toward the back row. The next formation is coming together, and we have to hurry to make it in time.

The next part is the lift, and Dmitry places his hands on my waist as I jump. He turns and sets me down, and the audience claps.

But another sound rings out.

A loud gunshot explodes, echoing off the walls of the auditorium. Someone behind me screams, and I whip around to find Johanna collapsing to the ground. Alek stares down at her with confusion etched on his face, but it only lasts a moment before he springs into action.

“Everybody get down!” Alek shouts.

Blood is pooling onto the stage beneath Johanna.

Another gunshot, and this time, it whistles past my ear. A white hot stinging sensation steals the breath from my lungs, and I clap my hand up to touch it.

It’s wet, and when I bring my hand down, my fingers are covered in crimson.
