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Not one of your best.

I was about to reply that I’d look into wedding packages when a phone call came through, the name of the show director on the screen.

My stomach flip-flopped, and I immediately started sweating. I sat up from my prone position and took a deep breath before jabbing the green button to answer. “Hello?”

“Hi, Kennedy. It’s Cathy.”

“Hi, Cathy. How are you?”

“I’m wonderful. I’m calling about your audition,” she said, and I didn’t realize I’d been holding my breath until it rushed out of me as she told me, “I think you’d be perfect as Tracy.”

“Oh my god,” I half cried, half whispered. “I’m Tracy?”

“Yes, and I can’t wait to get started.”

I stood, pacing my bedroom and waving my hand around my face to keep from crying. It was useless. “Thank you so much!”

“Truly, thankyou. We’ll be sending out packets shortly with the schedule and show information. We’re going to be starting tomorrow night. You’re still okay with that, right?”

“Yes!” I realized I’d shouted my answer and repeated it quieter. “Yes. Yes, I’m still okay with starting tomorrow. Cathy, thank you so much. I won’t let you down.”

“I know you won’t. All you have to do is be your bubbly self, and you’ll do great. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yes. Yes, you will. Thanks again!” I hung up and promptly let out a happy squeal before skipping out of my room.

Liam and Finn were already running to me as I bounded down the steps.

“What?” Liam held me by the shoulders. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

I couldn’t answer, too busy screeching and jumping up and down. So was Finn.

Liam tried again. “What?”

“I did it! I’m Tracy!”

His worried expression melted into a dazzling grin. He swept me into his arms. “You got the part? Amazing! I knew you could do it.”

Laughing breathlessly, I threw my arms around his neck. “Thank you.”

His solid strength enveloped me, warm and steadying, with one hand on the back of my head and the other wrapped tight about my waist. “I’m so proud of you.”

For a blissful moment, I let myself sink into his embrace. “I wouldn’t have done it without you. So, thank you.”

He squeezed me tighter, lifting me off the floor a few inches, and I squeaked out a giggle before he set me back down. His hands lingered at my waist, our eyes locked, faces inches apart. “Don’t thank me. It was all you. Your talent. Your courage.”

I grinned, lighting up from the inside out at the pride in his voice. Liam O’Neil, professor, author, and parent, was proud ofme. The nanny.

His attention dipped to my mouth, and my heart skittered to a momentary stop at the way his eyes widened ever so slightly. I held my breath, leaning in, wanting to close the space between us, fearing what it meant that I couldn’t back away.

Until Finn bounced into us, shouting, “Me! Me! Me! Me!”

Liam released me and ruffled his son’s hair. “You! You! What?”


“Lift me up, please,” Liam said, then picked Finn up. “You hear that, guy? Kennedy got the part. Give her a big hug.”

Finn jumped out of Liam’s arms for me, and I laughed, spinning him in a circle.
