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“Um, hello?”

“Oh shit,” Liam muttered. “Sorry, Tess. Sorry.” He scooted back over to the couch and motioned to the iPad settled on the coffee table.

“What’s going on?” Tessa asked. “What was all that screaming?”

I sucked in a breath, suddenly embarrassed at my over-the-top reaction. “Sorry,” I called out in the direction of the iPad. “That was just me being silly.”

“Kennedy auditioned for a local show and got the part she wanted,” Liam told her.

“That’s great,” I heard Tessa say, and then he lifted the iPad, turning it so we could see each other on-screen. She smiled. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you.” I hitched Finn on my hip and wiped the remaining wetness away from under my eyes. “I was just so excited.”

“As you should be. What show is it?”

“Hairspray. I’m going to be Tracy.”

“I’m not very familiar with theater,” Tessa said. “Is it a play or…?”

“A musical.” I stepped closer to Liam so I could explain it to Tessa. “It’s based on the John Waters film from the ’80s but takes place in the ’60s, about a white girl in Baltimore. She makes friends with a bunch of Black kids, and they end up desegregating anAmerican Bandstandtype show. By singing and dancing, obviously.”

Tessa nodded. “I like it. A musical with political intention.”

“And Kennedy’s the star,” Liam stated, smiling at me.

Honestly, if he continued to look so proud of me, I would have no other choice but to kiss him.

“But don’t worry,” I said Tessa, “it won’t interfere with me taking care of Finn.”

At his name, he shifted, starting to climb me like a monkey, and I puffed up my cheeks to make my monkey face. He giggled and squished my cheeks between his hands.

On the iPad, Tessa waved her hand. “I’m not worried at all. Liam told me how Finn adores you, and I can see that. I’m happy Liam made the decision to get some help, and I’m really grateful it’s you.”

Her appreciation was touching, and I teared up again. At this rate, I’d be going to rehearsal with puffy red eyes. “Thank you.” I sniffed. “That’s very sweet of you to say.”

“Well, I’m sure you’ll want to celebrate, and I don’t want to stop you,” she said. “Liam, same time next week?”

“Yeah, sounds good, Tess.”

“Finn, sweetie, I love you.”

I bent so Finn could lean into the screen. He banged on it a few times.

Liam prompted him. “Can you say ‘I love you, Mommy’?”

“Wuv, Ommy.”

Tessa pressed her hands to her heart, appearing like she might cry. “Aw, buddy. I love you too. So much. I miss you. I’m gonna take lots more pictures to send to Daddy so you don’t forget me, okay?”

Finn kicked his legs. “Guin!”

“Yes, and penguins too,” she agreed, laughing. “I won’t forget pictures of the penguins.” She blew a few kisses. “Talk later.”

I waved as Liam held the iPad aloft so we were all in the frame. “See you.”

Then with a press of a button, the FaceTime call ended, and I set Finn down. “She’s so kind.”

“Yeah,” Liam agreed. “She is. It’s what attracted me to her, even just as friends. It can be real dog-eat-dog sometimes in academics, but she was never like that.”
