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You’d think walking through the store would give me at least a moment of reprieve from thinking about Dawson, but I could never get so lucky. All I can think about is watching him walk up to the house looking like he owned the damn place, the beautiful bouquet of flowers clutched in his hand. Did he really think that something like that would make up for it all?

That if I saw the arrangement I’d jump into his arms, begging to have him back in my life? Yeah, no thanks. I shake my head in frustration, my gaze pointed down to the ground as I watch my feet swiftly move along the hard floor. As soon as I turn the corner, my cart knocks into someone else’s and my breath hitches at the contact. There’s a thickness in the air that wasn’t there before, but I’m sure that’s just my anxiety coming out to play.

I’m stunned when I glance up, mouth open for an apology, but I quickly clamp it shut with a glare pointed at the person in front of me. It figures. The moment I need to get Dawson out of my head, he’s the one I end up running into at this place. Is this how it will be the entire time I’m here?

Dawson clears his throat, but doesn’t say a single word to me. His gaze bores into mine before trailing down my body, a hint of that fire I remember years ago flaring up, and I pull myself away from him. The cart screeches as I move, snapping him back to attention and he shakes his head. “Savanna,” he rasps out softly.

I throw a hand up in the air, not wanting to hear anything else he has to say, then quickly push my cart around him without a word. When I turn around to glance at him, he’s got his eyes firmly placed on me before I disappear around the corner.Instead of purchasing everything I came here for in the first place, I simply leave my cart in the middle of the aisle and quicken my steps toward the exit.

I’m a shaking mess when I step out, not even the fresh air doing anything to calm my nerves, and I pull the handle of my car roughly. It doesn’t budge and I frown, then remember I locked the damn thing before going inside and I click the button with a deep breath. It would probably be best if I calmed down, especially if I’m about to start driving, so I slip into the front seat and take a moment to gather myself.

There goes my way of getting him out of my head.

Once my breaths are even and my blood goes from boiling to a slow simmer, I crank the engine of the car and quickly back out of the parking space I’m taking up. Dawson is standing outside the market, bags in his hand, as he watches me cruise past him, and I avert my gaze from him immediately. There’s something deep inside me that has yet to be set free and that’s the love that I once felt for him. I’ve had it trapped away, and I’m not wanting to bring that back out, which is what will happen the longer I look at him.

Isn’t that insane?

Just merely looking at the god of a man makes me want to break down every wall I’ve built around my fragile heart. And for a man who couldn’t have cared less about it years ago. It’s pathetic and not something I’m about to do.

Easton is holding the truck door open for Bethany when I pull in front of our parent’s house and I force a bright smile on my face when my niece looks up at me.

That doesn’t last long though when she smiles back, rushing over to my car, and I give her a genuine smile. “Bethy, what are you and your dad up to today?”

She shrugs and rolls her eyes. “Nothing nearly as fun as I was hoping.”

Easton gasps dramatically behind her and rubs her head, which only makes him receive a glare from her. “Don’t go telling lies on me now, Beth, that’s not very nice.” He glances at me and cocks his head to the side. “You okay, Sav?”

I smile at him and nod. “Just peachy, especially now that my favorite niece is here.” My gaze darts to her before moving back to her father and I wink. “I’m thinking maybe I should show her what fun is all about since you can’t seem to do it.”

He scoffs. “Whatever you say, little sis, just make sure she’s here in a couple hours for her dance lessons.”

Bethany eagerly jumps into the front seat of my car, clicking the belt into place before I’ve even slipped into my seat, and I chuckle at her excitement. “Calm down, Bethy.”

She sighs and shakes her head. “Dad is suffocating me. I need this.”

I cock my head to the side and gaze intently into her eyes. “Have you tried asking him why?”

“No,” she says. “Because I know exactly what it will come down to. After what happened to my mom, he doesn’t want the same thing happening to me. I guess that means I get put on a tight leash.” Bethany scoffs and waves a hand at me. “I’m surprised he’s actually letting me go somewhere with you.”

“Just cut him some slack, Bethany, okay?”

“I’m trying Aunt Sav, but he’s acting like I’m still that same little girl and I’m not. When will he stop treating me as if I am?” There’s an emotion warring through her gaze that I can’t quite make out and she snaps it away from me with a shake of her head. “It doesn’t matter. Just take me somewhere that isn’t around here. Please?”

I nod and back out of the drive, waving to Easton as I do, then make a right toward the back of town. “So,” I say to break the silence. “Any boys you have a crush on?”

She rolls her eyes at my question. “Really, Aunt Sav?”

“Well, you’re at that age and I want to make sure you have someone you can talk to if you need it.” Not that I’m the best example of relationship advice, but I could always give it a shot if Bethany needed me. “Humor me,” I add and steal a quick glance at her before putting my attention back on the road ahead.

I’m not even sure where I’m going, only that I need to do something that gets my mind off Dawson and this seems to be working. Bethany sighs and says, “There’s this boy. He’s cute and sweet, but that’s all I’m telling you.”

“No details? That’s harsh,” I say with a chuckle. “Does your dad know about him?”

“God, no. If he’s like this when he isn’t aware of a crush, I’d hate to see how he is when he knows I do have one.”

“I guess that’s understandable.” I pull off to the side and turn to face her with a smile. “You know you can always call me to talk about this stuff, right?”

She frowns and wrings her hands together nervously. “I know, but this stuff is all new to me and I don’t know how to talk about it.”
