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The bar door opens just then and the air changes around me, thick with unwanted tension, and my breath hitches. If I turn around and Dawson is standing in this bar, I’m going to scream. Autumn’s eyes fall over my shoulder, widening every second that passes, and my heart thumps loudly in my chest because I know who I’m going to see when I turn around.

I manage to down two more shots before turning around and my gaze lands on Dawson’s from across the room. He’s not moving his eyes away from mine and it’s unnerving. Why is he so fascinated with me lately?

“We can get out of here if you want, Sav,” Autumn says, the softness in her tone only making me angry.

Why does he get to ruin a good night out for me? I tear my gaze away from his and let it trail over the rest of the crowd, a smirk pulling at my lips when I catch Sean leaning against a far wall.“No, I think I have a better idea.” I refuse to let the man who broke my heart have a hold on me any longer in this town and I know the best way to get over it.

As they say — the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else, although I’ve tried that over the last seven years and it hasn’t worked yet. Maybe tonight will be different. Sean is laughing at something one of his buddies says and he smiles as he watches me approach their table. One of the guys turns in his chair to see who caught Sean’s attention and his eyes widen. “Savanna Gentry, long time no see.” The guy looks familiar, but I can’t place his name — I’m not all that worried about it anyway.

There’s a hole burning into my back as I hold out a hand to Sean and ask, “Mind taking a lonely woman out to the dance floor?”

He sets his beer down and winks at his friend before allowing me to pull him toward the dance floor. As soon as his hands come up to my hips, I want to shrink away from them, but I force myself to get lost in the song thumping through the speakers. Sean’s lips graze my ear and I have to keep the smile on my face as he darts his tongue out against the sensitive skin.

I have no doubt that if it were Dawson doing this to me, I’d fall to my knees without caring that there’s a large group of people surrounding us, but when Sean does it? I want to puke. My stomach rolls with anxiety as I sway my hips to the music, trying my hardest to get lost in everything, and I close my eyes instead.

The idea was that I’d get the alcohol in me and manage to forget about Dawson for a few hours, but the alcohol is only makingthe thoughts of him worse. I imagine it being Dawson’s hands on me instead of Sean’s which seems to do the trick because my body relaxes further into the ones on me, and I’m more eager to continue my movements than I was moments ago.

Dawson would probably whisper something dirty in my ear if the looks he’s been giving me every time we’re around each other are any indication, and I bask in the way they’d make my body tingle with need. The hands around my hips grip me, answering whatever plea I’m silently making with my hips and I let my mouth pop open.

When I finally snap back to reality, Dawson’s still sitting in the chair he sat on when he came inside and his eyes are a blazing inferno. His gaze falls to the way Sean is holding me and his jaw ticks, irritation coursing through him, and that satisfies me more than it probably should. He doesn’t like this? Well, good. I didn’t much like the way he laughed with all of those girls right after our break-up as if I didn’t mean anything to him, so maybe this will give him a taste of his own medicine.

Autumn is frowning at me when I turn my attention to her, so I spin around until I’m facing Sean and smile at him. “You’ve got moves, maybe you can show me more a little later.”

He blinks in surprise and scrunches his eyebrows together, confused with my words, before he smiles at the insinuation. “Whatever you want, baby. We can get out of here right now.” His head falls closer to mine and I back away slightly, not wanting to let this moment get ruined by his lips touching mine.

“Let’s go back to my table for a quick drink with my girlfriend. ThenI want one more dance, and I’m all yours for the night.”

He nods and backs away from me with a wink. “I’m holding you to that.”

God, just the way he sinks his teeth into his bottom lip makes my body cringe as I start my trek back to the table I’m sharing with Autumn. She doesn’t say anything as I walk up, only watches me, and I roll my eyes. “Spit it out, Autumn.”

She sighs. “Maybe you should slow down?”

“I’m good. For the first time since I got to this damn town I’m having fun and Dawson is not on my mind.” I take a deep breath and give her my best smile. “You don’t need to wait for me. Sean will be taking me home tonight.” Then I head back over to him for one more dance, my eyes casting over to the now empty chair.

Where did he go?

Chapter Eight


I’m pathetic. That’s all there is to it.

What kind of man rushes into a restroom because the woman he’s loved all his life is rolling her ass against another man — all while knowing said woman isn’t fond of him? Me. I’m that kind of man because dammit if I don’t want to storm out of this empty space and demand for Sean Michaels to get his nasty hands off my woman.

My woman. I wish.

It still hurts to know that she could’ve been mine, but maybe that’s all about to change soon. I’m determined to get her to hear me out and if she still wants nothing to do with me after that, then so be it. But I’ve got to at least try, right? I take a deep breath while looking in the mirror, then splash water over myface before wiping it off and heading back out to the crowded room.

I keep my gaze trained forward as I walk by a group of women who never stop trying to get their chance with me and fall back into the seat I was in before. When I steal another glance at the dance floor, Savanna is right back at it again with Sean and the smile on her oval-shaped face has me seeing red.

Before I can think better of it, I lift from my spot and head in their direction. She’s got her eyes closed as she sways her hips, but Sean catches sight of me over her head and straightens his spine the closer I get. I look at Savanna and see her slowly opens her eyes, those bright orbs connecting with mine, and I barely glance at her before looking at Sean again.

He’s practically shaking from my stare and doesn’t mind taking a few steps back, just like he did years ago when I told him to leave Savanna alone after our break-up. This guy has always had a thing for her, but it’s not about to happen if I have anything to say about it. “Sean,” I grind out while darting my gaze to the table he was sitting at. “I think your drink is getting warm.”

Sean nods and moves away from Savanna before hurrying over to the table with his douchebag friends. I quickly fill his space , basking in the warmth that takes over as Savanna’s body connects with mine, and I inhale the perfume she’s wearing.

I keep my hands loose on her hips, not wanting to force her to stay in front of me if she doesn’t want to, and I’m surprised whenshe pushes her ass into me without looking back. “Don’t start something you can’t finish, Sav.”
