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Autumn has been hounding me for the last few days to come out into town and shop with her, so that’s what I plan to do today. I’ve been spending almost every night in the comfort of Dawson’s arms, and I think it’s about time to remember why it shouldn’t be comforting. It doesn’t matter that he had his reasons for breaking my heart years ago; he still did it and I can’t trust that he won’t do it again.

Except, the longer I spend time with him, the more I’m scared those feelings I’ve kept buried deep are going to resurface. If they do, I know it’s not going to be a gradual thing, it’s going to slam into me like a Mac truck and I’m not sure I’m ready for that. Which is why I thought coming out with Autumn this afternoon was the best way to take my mind off how easily Dawson gets a reaction out of me.

She’s standing at the corner of Main Street, leaning against the telephone pole while looking at her phone intently. I smirk when she doesn’t glance up even as I step right up to her, and I clear my throat. “Everything okay?”

Autumn jumps and groans loudly. “I wish. I’ve got the worst luck when it comes to jobs and I’m trying to find another one.” Ever since we were little, all Autumn could talk about was getting out of our small town, dreaming about it on a daily basis, but she’s never had the means to do it. She’s spent most of her adult years trying to scrounge up the money, only to lose the jobs she got and having to live on her savings.

I love this woman to death, but her work history is a major red flag. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out, just give it time.”

She rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “Sav, let's face it, I’m never getting out of this place at the rate I’m going.”

“Maybe I can help you out, but let’s relax for today and worry about everything tomorrow.”

As soon as we turn around, more than ready to make our way into all the shops along Main Street, my eyes collide with a sight that has my blood boiling. Dawson is standing on the sidewalk wearing a plain white t-shirt with a pair of light jeans hugging his hips, looking every bit as hot as he always does, and he’s smiling at the woman standing in front of him.

I’m glued in place, not able to move my eyes away from them as he throws his head back with a laugh and the woman touches hisarm as if he’s hers to touch in the first place. Autumn is hot on my heels as I finally have the courage to move, except I’m headed in the direction of Dawson instead of the opposite way.

“Sav, what the hell are you doing?” Autumn calls out breathlessly behind me, loud enough that Dawson’s attention darts to the two of us.

He smirks at me, then doesn’t even greet me before continuing with the conversation he was in the middle of. The woman is standing entirely too close for my liking and I growl low, only Autumn is the one who can hear me when she finally catches up to me.

“Seriously?” she asks with a sigh. “This is what we ran all the way over here for?”

I hold my hand up, not wanting her words to get in the middle of overhearing their conversation – if you could really call it that, since Dawson knows I’m standing behind the pretty blonde. His gaze keeps darting over her shoulder every few seconds, especially when she angles her body closer to his, and I have a feeling he knows exactly what’s running through my head right now.

That’s the only reason I huff in annoyance and spin away from them. If he wants to flirt with everyone who speaks to him, that’s on him, but I’m not going to stand here and be subjected to it in broad daylight. I’ve almost made it to the crosswalk, more than ready to get out of this man’s vicinity, when a hand wraps around my elbow and halts my movements.

“Sav,” Dawson rasps out. “Hold on a minute, would you?”

I rip my arm from his hold and glare at him. “Hold on?” I repeat, then scoff. “What, for you to finish flirting with whoever the hell you want?”

There’s amusement shining in his gaze and I get an idea. My eyes cut through the people walking along the sidewalk until I catch the eye of a younger man. His eyes narrow immediately as he watches me go up to the guy and pull his face down to mine, not even bothering to exchange names before planting one on him. His lips are nothing like Dawson’s, but it will have to do.

When I pull away from the guy, he’s speechless before scurrying down the sidewalk and nervously glancing over his shoulder at me. Dawson’s eyes are like molten lava when I glance at him, and I give him my best fuck-you smile. “If you can do whatever you want, I guess I can too.”

Autumn snorts beside me and I snap my attention to her. “What’s so funny?”

She shakes her head and nudges a thumb over her shoulder. “Uh, except for the fact that you just planted one on the most loyal man in town? Not a damn thing.” Her eyes cut between Dawson and me, a slow smile creeping on her face. “Although, this seems like it might be getting good.”

Dawson glares at her briefly, but it only takes seconds for her gaze to come back to mine. “This jealous side of you is a real turn-on, Sav.” His lip twitches and he shoves his hands into theback of his jeans, then leans into me so only I can hear his next words. “You’ll pay for that later.” Before I can form a response, he’s smiling at Autumn and waving to her. “I’ll catch you ladies later, enjoy your day.”

His ass looks great in those jeans as he walks off, my gaze fixing on the way his hips sway in them, and I groan loudly. “He’s impossible!”

Autumn coughs behind me. “You’re so screwed.”

Unfortunately, she’s got it all wrong. I’d love nothing more than to be screwed, right in the back seat of the white truck Dawson slips into.

What does he mean that I’ll pay for it later? The thought of all the delicious things he could do to me the next time he sees me has my cheeks heating. Every single day without fail I’m craving his body more and more. The way his eyes bore into mine while he pushes himself into me, not breaking eye contact even as he moves into me. It’s enough to have any woman begging for more.

Maybe he lets the woman he was speaking to earlier beg for him, praising her when she does exactly as he asks. I’m less willing to let go of my control, but the idea of listening to his demands sends a shiver down my spine.

My phone pings with a text when we open the front doors to the coffee shop and I glare at the text from Dawson, telling me to come to his house tonight at nine for a surprise. As much as Iwant to tell him to go screw himself, I simply respond back with a kissy face emoji before slipping the phone back into my pocket and following Autumn through the shop.

“So, anything we should talk about?” Autumn asks when we finally sit down.

I shrug. “Not really.”

She narrows her eyes at me. “That confrontation out there sure made it seem like there’s something.”
