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My gaze falls onto Bethany, who’s still sitting on the porch, and I nudge my head at her. “What about your daughter?”

He shrugs. “She keeps begging me to let her be home alone. She says she’s old enough and not a baby anymore. Figured I’d give her the chance to prove that today because Mom had some things to do.”

A light bulb brightens the back of my mind and I smile. “Maybe she can come with us.”

Easton places a hand over his mouth, the skin wrinkling at the corners to showcase the smile he’s trying to hide. “Nah, I think this would be good for her in the long run if it works. Makes it easier if I can’t manage to find a nanny for her when I head out of town.”

I’m not going to mention that I may have already figured that out for him. It will be a nice surprise when she shows up for an interview.

I blow out a rough breath and roll my eyes, crossing my arms in front of me. “You’re annoying.”

“This could be a good thing for you too. Maybe it will help you let loose and shake that fear away.” He pushes over to his truck and looks at me over his shoulder, throwing me a wink. “Have fun, Sav.”

Everything will be fine. We’ll get through this hike, then I’ll come home after without falling for him even harder than I already have. My heart hammers against my ribs and I take a deep breath, throwing a smile at Bethany from across the driveway, before climbing back into the truck that’s filled with Dawson’sscent. The further we drive away from my parents’ and towards our destination, I’m realizing how big of a mistake it was to give in to this.

I should’ve walked out that door this morning without turning back, not even bothering to sit down and eat breakfast – especially when I let him bend me over the counter so effortlessly. He leans forward, playing music on the radio, and I curl into myself when he starts humming along to it.

Yep. I’m screwed. This isn’t going to be easy. I’m supposed to leave at some point and now I know I’m going to have something holding me back.

No, Savanna. He’ll just hurt you like he did before, don’t give in.

As long as I keep listening to that loud voice in my head, everything will be okay.

Chapter Eighteen


I’m eager for Savanna to be joining me this morning. It’s not exactly surprising that I’m going on this hike since I usually manage it at least once a week on my day off. She’s been entirely too silent for my liking since we left though and I’m worried I should’ve just left her at home. I’d hate for her to be uncomfortable right now.

I come to a stop in the small lot where the trail is located and turn to her with a frown. “Sav, I can take you back home if you want.”

She glares at me before plastering a fake smile on her face. “Why would you do that? You had all morning to let me go home, but it seems like you’re getting whatever you want left and right.” Her posture is tight with tension and she quickly pushes out of the truck without looking back at me.

“Did you bring anything with you to eat or drink?”

Savanna groans. “I would’ve loved to, but my brother distracted me on the way out.”

This is why I learned to bring extra with me when I go with her. This isn’t exactly the first time she’s forgotten to bring refreshments and a snack for herself when out hiking. I tug the backpack I stuffed with everything we’ll need from the backseat and let it hang over my back. “I got us covered,” I mutter as I walk up to her.

I’m not meaning to sound rude, but I’m angry with myself for being so forceful with her. I can’t help it though, not when she’s standing in front of me and I’m not sure when I’ll see her again after this. She could leave tomorrow and this will be the last moments I spend with her. I’m determined to make them count.

Except, maybe this was the wrong way to go about it if her stomping footsteps ahead of me are any indication of her mood. I run a hand through my hair and sigh, watching her short steps closely so she doesn’t hurt herself. Luckily I packed the first aid kit which I already checked to make sure it had everything, so if either of us hurts ourselves today, we should be good to go until help arrives.

Birds chirp all around us, singing a song through the air, and I smile at the noise. I’ve always loved nature. Savanna trips over a rock, flying forward before I can rush over to stop the fall, and catches herself with a hand. “Shit,” she hisses while rubbing at her palm and getting up from the ground.

I dig into my backpack for the first aid kit, and pull her over to a larger rock that she can sit on. She tries to shake from my hold, but I keep my grip firm on her without causing pain, and she obliges with narrowed eyes. “Let me see it.”

She holds her hand out to me, already fed up with the morning and we’ve barely even started. There are a few nasty scratches scattered along the palm of her hand and I twist her wrist around, gauging her reaction before reaching into the first aid kit for supplies. Her breath hitches when I wipe the scrapes with a cloth and her fingers shake. I blow on them for a moment and she lets a moan slip from her mouth.

This isn’t going to happen. We are in the middle of a trail, trees and beautiful scenery lining the earth beside us. There’s no way I’m going to give in to the pull of her right now. I keep my gaze focused on her hand as I wrap a large piece of gauze around it, fastening it with some medical tape. “There, good as new?”

Savanna growls and stands from her spot on the rock, marching forward angrily while I follow helplessly behind her. If this woman continues walking like this, she’s bound to have another fall within the next ten feet. I huff out a breath as I try to catch up to her. “Sav,” I say before taking a deep breath. “Calm down before you hurt yourself again.”

She spins around to face me. “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I’ve had to do a lot of that in the last seven years.”

Her words hit me right where she means them to and I stumble back a step, letting her carry on walking away. I feel guiltyknowing I was supposed to be with her all those years and I’m not sure what else I can do to prove that to her how sorry I am.

I’ve given her all my time. I could’ve easily spent my nights holed up in the bar with Gage every time he calls to invite me. Instead, I make sure to carve time out for Savanna while always trying to win her heart back every day. That was the whole point of the picnic along with this stupid hike I thought she’d enjoy.
