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“You don’t say,” Gage says with a smile.

On my lunch break, I use the hour I have to make a trip to Savanna’s parents’ house – maybe if I show up there, Savanna will have no choice but to talk to me. I’m not even sure what I did wrong, honestly.

Easton walks calmly out the front door and frowns at me. “What are you doing here?”

I run a hand through my hair. “Wanted to see Savanna. She hasn’t been responding to my texts.”

He shakes his head and mutters a few curses, then sighs. “She’s not here.”

“When will she be back?”

“No, Dawson. She’s not here. Like, she left town.”

She left town? I frown and shake my head. There’s no way she would leave without saying something to me, right? Things were going good between us, better than when I pulled her over that first night, and now it’s over? “Why did she leave?”

He shrugs. “I guess her job needed her there. She left yesterday morning.”

Yesterday morning?

I pull my phone out and find her name in it, immediately clicking the text box and sending her a message. If she needed to go, there’s nothing I could do about that. I knew our arrangement was temporary even if I continuously wished it wasn’t, but I would’ve liked for her to say goodbye.

“Look, man,” Easton says. “She’s guarding her heart right now, especially after everything you guys have been through, and it’s time for you to make some grand gesture to win her back.”

A grand gesture.

I barely know how to make a small gesture, let alone a grand one. “I don’t know what to do, Easton.” Would she even appreciate a grand gesture from me? There’s a reason she didn’t call me up to tell me about leaving town and I hate the cold feelings it leaves me with.

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out, but you two deserve each other and I want to see both of you happy.”

“What? Why?” After everything I did to Savanna years ago, Easton has always resented me and now he wants me to be happy? It's weird. “You don’t even like me.”

Easton chuckles. “You’re right about that, but I don’t really know you that well either.” He glances back at the house and sighs. “It was nice having her here, but it was nicer to see that love shiningin her eyes again and I’ve got a feeling you were the reason for that.”

“I wouldn’t go that far,” I mutter.

Maybe once upon a time she loved me, but now? Love is the last emotion I would expect her to feel when thinking about me. My phone pings with a text from Gage, reminding me that my lunch is over in thirty minutes, and I clear my throat. “I’ve gotta get back to work. I’ll think of something.”

Will I though?

Instead of heading straight for work on my way home, I move in the direction of mine and Savanna’s spot. The moment I ended things with her seven years ago, I stayed away from this place for a few years, not able to deal with the hurt being there caused, but now it’s different.

An idea forms in my head and I smile before walking eagerly through the grass to my truck. After the first few years when I avoided this place, I started coming back here with a journal. It’s what I need to use to get Savanna back.

Maybe if she reads the words I had written every day, she’ll understand how real my feelings are and believe that I won’t hurt her again. With ten minutes to spare, I hop into my truck and head back into work. This plan has to work, or else I’m going to be living the rest of my life wondering what could’ve been.

Could we create the future we had always wanted? It might be later than we talked about, but the idea of growing old with her brings a smile to my face. Gage glances up at me from his desk when I walk through the station, studying me from afar, and I quickly avert my gaze.

The last thing I need is for him to give me his opinion on the subject.

“How was your lunch?” Gage asks with an arched brow.

“Don’t want to talk about it,” I snap and sink onto the empty chair in front of my desk. Gage’s footsteps are loud as he walks over to me and sits on the edge of the desk, looking down at me. “Don’t, Gage.”

“What happened?”

“What part of ‘I don’t want to talk about it’ do you not understand?” My timer goes off on my phone, alerting me that our lunch is over, and I rise from my chair reluctantly. This is the last place I want to be right now, but I have a job to do. “Let’s head out.”

Gage is silent as we make our way to the police cruiser, but sighs loudly when he slides into the front seat. “Maybe you should take a breather before we do anything else.”
