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“Yes ma’am,” he says before moving down the length of my body.

It seems I was indeed missed. A lot.


Three years later. Dawson.

I’ll never get over the giggle I hear when I walk through my front door after a long day at the station. Gage comes in behind me which gets a big smile from my daughter as she rushes toward the two of us. “Unca Gaga!” She says excitedly while squeezing his leg with her tiny and pudgy arms. She hasn’t quite mastered saying his name yet, so Unca Gaga it is which is pretty fucking funny.

Gage is a good sport about it though and he pats the top of her head with a smile before kneeling down to her level and opening his arms out wide for her to jump into them. “Jellybean! I’ve missed you!”

She giggles and shakes her head. “Miss you.”

Gage smiles at her and presses a kiss to her chubby cheek.

“Where’s your mom at, baby girl?”

Lily points towards the kitchen as she pulls Gage into the living room, probably to dress him up like she does every time he’s here.Meanwhile, I make my way into the kitchen and find my wife leaning against the counter with her face scrunched up in pain.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” I ask and rush over to her.

She blows out a long breath and chuckles. “Those damn Braxton Hicks again. How was work?”

“Are you sure it’s not the real thing?”

Savanna smiles. “Trust me, I’ll know when it’s real and this definitely isn’t it.”

I nod and run a hand through my hair. “If you’re sure. How’s your back been today?” While Savanna was pregnant with Lily, she gained most of her weight everywhere but her stomach, but this one is proving to be different which has resulted in her having a lot of back pain.

“It’s been rough,” she says with a small smile. “But it’s worth every bit of pain.”

This is the life we’ve been dreaming of having together since we were in high school. Things happened a little backwards and we found out we were having a baby before I could even propose.

I waited until after Lily was born to pop the question, so two years ago I asked the woman I’ve loved all my life to marry me. We were married two months later in front of all our friends and family. The ceremony was very small and intimate because that’s what Savanna wanted.

The year after that, we purchased a block of land and started building us our dream home; the one we should have had all along..

Everything has been perfect ever since and now we are welcoming our second child into the world – which means I’m silently planning when we’ll have another one. We had always planned on having two kids, but I love watching her be a mother and am eager to have a big family with her. I just haven’t mentioned this to her yet. I like my balls right where they are, not in my throat.

I walk in front of her and cage her in with my arms, her round belly hitting into my stomach. “You’re so beautiful.”

She smiles and shakes her head. “I love you for saying that, but we both know I look like a damn balloon.”

I frown when she turns her head away from me and I place my fingers under her chin, forcing her gaze back on mine. “Hey, don’t do that.” I rest my palm against her cheek and smile. “Never doubt how beautiful you are to me. Ever.”

“Mommy! Unca Gaga pretty!” Lily says from the doorway while urging Gage to come into the room.

Gage rolls his eyes at us when he steps in and we burst into a fit of laughter. Lily grabs his hand and forces him to step into the middle of the large floor with her. “Dance!” She bounces on the floor and twirls herself around while he stares at her in his tutu and princess crown, a wand clutched tightly in his hand.

“Yeah, Unca Gaga, dance,” I say with a chuckle while pulling Savanna into me.

He discreetly flips me off and starts shaking his hips in a ridiculous circular motion that only has Savanna and I cracking up further. I glance at her, watching as she throws her head back with a hand covering her mouth, and I smile to myself.

This is everything I could’ve ever asked for. All that’s left is for the rest of the family to get here. We decided once the house was done that we would host a dinner every week for the family to catch up with each other, and that just so happens to be tonight.

“Do you need any help with dinner, baby?”

She shakes her head and gives me a small smile. “I got it, go relax.” When she turns around, her breath hitches and a hand comes across her stomach. “Shit,” she mutters.
