Page 23 of The Risk of Falling

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I’ve been completely distracted this entire day. Or at least since we walked into Bertie’s Taylor Shop and into a room full of Nallen men. Although only one is the cause of my distraction.

I worked hard at keeping my eyes on everyone but Parker. Even though I could feel his gaze burning into me and my every move. As I was walking out of the shop, I made the mistake of making eye contact with him, and even though three hours have passed, all I can think about is what I saw inside the depths of those green eyes.

I’m startled from my thoughts when I feel an elbow jab into my ribcage and Kelsea whispers loudly, “Earth to Abbey!” When I look over at her, her eyes are wide, and she rolls them in the direction of Rosie’s bedroom door. I turn my attention in the direction she is looking and gasp.

Standing before us with tears in her eyes is Rosie in her wedding dress. She is so beautiful and beaming. My heart aches with joy. I can’t even take my eyes off her. I barely feel Kelsea reach over and squeeze my hand. “Abbey, I—I’ve never seen—Abbey, you can’t cry. I’m the one who cries. You don’t cry,” Rosie sputters as she takes a step toward me.

What the hell is she talking about?I think. Then I feel it—a wet drop slipping down my cheek. Reaching up slowly, I touch it then look down at my fingertips. I look back up at Rosie, who is now standing in front of me. Kelsea hands me a Kleenex then dabs her own tears. I don’t even have words. My best friend deserves every bit of this happiness. Yet, these tears feel like something more. “Oh, Abbey,” Rosie sniffles. “I assume this means you love it.”

Wiping the tears away, I wave my hand in the air between us. I need to get back in control of my emotions. “You’re gorgeous, Rose. This dress is perfect, and I can’t imagine any bride more beautiful than you,” I smile, trying to mask my weak moment.

“My brother is one damn lucky dude,” Kelsea beams.

Rosie grins from ear to ear. “Thank you for saying that, Kels. I think I’m just as lucky. I really do feel so beautiful. Frankly, I’ve never felt more exquisite in my entire life.”

Hearing Rosie say these things makes me feel so much. Want. Need. And honestly, a desire for something meaningful. All the emotions come bubbling up, the ones I’ve tried to run away from, stuff down, ignore. I have to admit that being by her side throughout her relationship with Drew might have changed my point of view on love. I never really thought love was for me but now I realize Drew has given me a new perspective on men. I’m still afraid to believe I could ever truly have that kind of love in my life, but it does make me think about it more. Especially since I met Parker.

“Let me get out of this before I accidentally stain it,” Rosie laughs as she goes to change.

Kelsea stands up and grabs a bottled water from the fridge. “Want one?” She holds up the bottle to me. “Yeah, thanks,” I reply. As she walks back over to the couch, she says, “I’m really happy they found each other. You know, Drew has been through hell with relationships in the past. It was hard for me when he first told us about Rosie. I didn’t trust her.”

“Really? Rosie?” I question, taking a swig of water.

“Well, maybe not Rosie, per se, because I didn’t know her. I didn’t trust anyone with Drew’s heart,” she shrugs. “My brothers can be pains in my butt. But as much as they make me crazy, I still love them fiercely. They’re sarcastic and too macho on occasion. Most of the time, they are clueless about feminine needs, but they’re also honest and caring. They’re compassionate, and man, do they love our mom. They are typical men in so many ways, but they are always respectful to women.”

I watch her face as she talks about her brothers. I know these things are true of Drew. Sure, he screwed up for about a second, but he more than made up for it. “Anyway, I’m glad Drew found Rosie. I just wish my other brothers could find their match,” Kelsea continues. “Tyler is a bear, cuddly and cute, yet ferocious when he needs to be. Jasper is a bright light, kind and gentle. Of course, he is the baby, so I feel like he is the most in touch with his feelings.”

She hasn’t mentioned the one brother who holds my interest, and I hold my breath waiting for her thoughts. “Then there is Parker. Being the oldest, I think he always had it harder than any of us. He is our caretaker, always putting us first and himself last. Ironically, he’s a combination of the other three. He is the one I would trust most with my precious secrets,” she smiles.

I want to ask her why Parker? Why does she trust him the most? I want to ask her more about him. So much more. Instead, I say, “What about you? Why haven’t I seen a guy around? What makes you happy?” Kelsea stares at me like I asked the most impossible question.

“Well. . .” she begins before Rosie comes back into the room.

“What did I miss?” Rosie interrupts, plopping down on the couch next to me.

“Kels was just about to tell me a bit about herself, her love life, and what makes her world go round. Right, Kelsea?” I blurt out, feeling like Kelsea wanted to skip over herself and was thrilled by the opportunity Rosie’s interruption may have given her.

Rosie clasps her hands together in excitement, and we both look in Kelsea’s direction. “Yay, I’m glad I didn’t miss this then. I’ve been wanting to pry for some time,” Rose admits excitedly.

“There isn’t much to tell,” she begins. “You guys know everything worth knowing.”

“I know a lot, but I’ve never seen you bring a guy around since I’ve been with Drew,” Rosie states.

Shrugging, Kelsea responds, “There is no guy. Can you imagine bringing one around with all my brothers?”

I admit this is a legitimate argument, even though I have no idea what it’s like to have four brothers. But Kelsea is hiding something. I can hear it in her tone. I’ve used this same tone plenty of times. I feel bad because I brought this conversation up, so I decide to help her out.

“That would be torture, and no one would ever be good enough. So anyway, let’s talk about dinner and our wedding outing tomorrow night,” I say, changing the subject. When I glance at Kelsea, I see relief cross her face.

Rosie rolls her eyes, “Calling it a wedding outing isn’t helping the matter one bit.” As I hoped, she was easily distracted at the mention of the word wedding.

Kelsea and I laugh. “Rose, amuse us. You agreed to dinner and our outing. What time are we meeting Kelsea at The Shadowbrook Restaurant if we are heading to Motiv at ten o’clock?” I ask.

“Hmmm,” Rosie hums. “I guess we should meet around seven-thirty. That will give us plenty of time to have cocktails, eat, and chat over dinner. Does that sound okay to you both?” She looks at us expectantly. “Kelsea you could just get ready with us, too.”

“I want to, but I have to be at mom and dad’s house all day, I promised. So, seven-thirty sounds good to me, it will give me plenty of time,” Kelsea immediately responds.

“Me, too. Especially since I will already be here with you getting ready,” I laugh. “It’s not like I’m going to say no, and you’re going to leave without me. It’s your night. What you say goes—except for canceling the plans altogether.” Rosie’s facial expression is one of mock hurt. What a drama queen. She knows it’s true. If she could, she would skip everything after dinner if we would allow it. I roll my eyes and hit her with one of the accent pillows lying next to me.
