Page 26 of The Risk of Falling

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The night started off better than I had hoped. Actually, it started off fucking fantastic. There was something different about Abbey tonight. It’s like a wall lifted, or at least she’d begun to lower a drawbridge for me to cross. It’s why I felt I could tell her that we needed to talk. It also made me feel comfortable enough to touch her, pulling her close to me, even with my family around.

“Dude, just be sure you know what you’re doing,” Drew pleads with me, his eyes over my shoulder in clear view of the dance floor where we left the rest of the group.

Placing my hand on his shoulder, I reassure him, “Drew, I promise. I think Abbey is ready to admit there just might be something between us.”

“But you need to be certain,” he continues in a heartfelt plea. His eyes seem unsettled as they shift between me and the dance floor. “Don’t get me wrong, Abbey is not a game player. She is who she is. . .” He tries explaining before I interrupt.

“I promise. Something is different with her tonight. We talked a little and agreed to figure things out soon,” I tell him as I turn my body in the direction of his focus. My gaze first lands on Rosie and Kelsea, their grins wide as they bounce around the dance floor with their arms raised above their heads. My eyes search for Abbey’s face until they find her. She’s grinning as she twirls in a circle, and a smile tugs at the corners of my mouth. Man, she is beautiful. I take a step toward her and suddenly stop midstride as I see an arm reach around her waist and pull Abbey’s body against his own. It’s that Sebastian guy. He leans forward and whispers something in Abbey’s ear that causes her to throw her head back in laughter.

An audible “What the fuck?” slips past my lips, and I begin to step toward them, but a firm grip rest on my shoulder. “Don’t Parks, you’re about to make a mistake.” Drew’s voice is stern yet sympathetic. When I look back at him, his eyes convey pity, and it only pisses me off even more.

“It’s Seb, Parks. I can guarantee it’s nothing. Plus, you’ve had entirely too much to drink to do this tonight,” he continues.

Shaking my head, I shrug him off. I can only hear the tiny voice in my mind whispering, “You’re a fool,” and that is what pushes me forward. I don’t care what Drew says. I only know that seeing Abbey with another man’s hands on her makes me want to inflict the same pain I am feeling. To have someone feel the same hurt I feel in the middle of my chest. This tight ball of emotion mixed with fear, self-doubt, and an uncontrollable anger.

“Parks! Don’t!” I hear Drew shout from behind me, but I don’t even look back.

As I wind my way toward the dance floor, I pass Jasper and Tyler. Both shout my name, smiling and lifting their fists for a quick bump. I leave them hanging with surprised looks on their faces. I know they’re probably watching me, trying to determine why the sudden shift in my mood. They have no idea what is going on, and frankly, I know I’m an ass for leaving them confused. But my mind is only on Abbey and the jealous sensation that is burning through me. I watch as Rosie and Kelsea laugh their way off the dance floor towards the ladies’ room.

Abbey’s back is to me, and she is swaying to the music. The way her hips move brings me back to the night I met her. The waves crashed against the shore, her eyes shined from the bonfire glow. I wanted her then, and I haven’t stopped wanting her since that night.

The change of music brings me back to the present. I flinch when Abbey reaches for Sebastian and pulls him towards her. This is the precise moment my eyes meet Sebastian’s gaze. His eyes shine with familiarity, at first, then widen when he realizes my approach is anything but friendly.

Squaring his shoulders and releasing Abbey’s hand, he steps toward me. “Parker, how’s it goin’, man?” He questions, and I know he is trying to warn Abbey. Her back isn’t to me for long before she whips around, a wide smile across her face. When our eyes meet, her grin falls flat, and her gaze fills with a mixture of confusion and apprehension. I glance in Sebastian’s direction then quickly back to Abbey.

Abbey steps closer to me, reaching out to place her hand on my arm. “Parker, did something happen? Are you okay?” She sounds genuinely concerned, but I can’t trust it. My pride feels too bruised at the moment to listen to anyone or anything other than that little voice whispering, “I’m a fool once again.”

I quickly lash out, “This isn’t some game anymore. Whatever was happening between us meant something to me. You warned me. My brother warned me. And I didn’t listen because I let my feelings get clouded by my emotions and the possibilities I saw for us.”

The words fly out of my mouth as if the dam holding it all in just broke. As I speak, I see Abbey’s expression change from confusion to hurt to something I can’t quite pinpoint, and I continue without care. “I thought you felt it, too.” Abbey’s whole body stiffens.

“I was wrong. I don’t think you even know how to let someone love you…let alone love someone else.” She stares at me and flinches as if my words were a slap in the face. I hear myself, and I know I am going too far. My stomach is in knots. And the problem is, I fell in love with her, and she didn’t fall in love with me, so who am I really mad at here…Abbey or myself?

Abbey finally finds her words, her voice trembles as she shouts angrily, “You—Parker Nallen—are an asshole!” She takes a step back. “I…I…” she stammers, then suddenly turns on her heels and hurries through the crowd.

My body is shaking as I watch her retreat. God, I am an ass.

I almost forgot Seb was standing there until he says, “You’re so wrong,” before he turns and makes his way in the same direction as Abbey.

I notice the crowded dance floor for the first time since I stormed my way onto it. When I stop and take a look around, I find all three of my brothers, along with Rosie and Kelsea, looking at me. Each of them with a mix of different expressions, but the most common one is disappointment.

In typical fashion, Ty speaks first, “Dude, I have no idea what just happened exactly, but you’re a dick. I need another drink.” He pushes his way through the crowd toward the bar. Jasper’s eyes meet mine, but he doesn’t speak. He follows Tyler toward the bar.

Drew is whispering something in Rosie’s ear. Her gaze never leaves mine, shock and sadness flit across her features. Her voice is so soft when she speaks that I barely hear her over the loud music, “I need to find Abbey.”

“I will come with you,” Kelsea tells her. She never looks in my direction.

Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder. It’s Drew. “You okay?”

I’m sad. It’s like all my emotions left me, and the only thing lingering is sadness. “Ya know, Drew, I don’t think I am. I don’t really know what I am right now, but I need to get out of here. I’m sorry I ruined your celebration.” He squeezes and releases me with a nod of understanding.

I begin to walk away, heading toward the exit of the bar, but before I take more than a few steps, Drew’s voice stops me. “Parks, I don’t know how Abbey’s feeling about what’s happened between the two of you. But I can say you handled that wrong, and you’re wrong about Abbey. She loves fiercely.”

I don’t look back at him. I pause a minute, letting his words sink in, then I keep moving. I just need quiet and space to think. Not to mention, I need to sober up.

