Page 19 of Dragon Heat

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Would he change his mind? Could she trust him?

She picked the hot pink.

Did she have to? She’d destroyed his batteries, and the equipment wasn’t functioning properly inside their magnetic field. Maybe it was a moot point.

The varnish remover stung her nose as the old color worked into the cotton.

Yes, she could just bed him and send him home.

Her heart twisted a little as an image of his charming smile popped into her mind.

She had her duty and he didn’t belong here.

He’d said he didn’t really belong anywhere.

The brush flicked the hot pink color onto her nails with quick practiced strokes.

That didn’t sit well with her.

Lips pursed, her breath was gentle across the fresh paint.

That was better.

Dressing, mind settled, she returned to the patrol office to complete her report. It was almost time to go to the council.


Chapter 7

There was little to do on the island.

Jori had already jogged the perimeter, collected fresh water and coconuts.

His notebook had gone from pages of notes to attempts at sketching Kymri. His talent wasn’t enough to do her justice.

Wisps of cloud slid over the island and the horizon was shrouded in a haze.

Gathering up his sleeping bag and pillow, he moved it to the plane. He’d already rearranged the cases and equipment out of boredom. The space was adequate to keep him dry while he slept.

He blew out a breath, longing for a proper bed and shower. He was tired of the grit of sand and sea salt. His skin never felt smoother, but the stuff got everywhere.

Hands on hips, he surveyed the monotonous view of his camp. Wreck, fire pit and chairs, palm forest, beach and sea. And sky. Plenty of that too.

Dropping his head back, he peered into the endless blue, masked here and there by cloud wisps and a long-tailed bird high above.

He still had no idea what breed it was. That was the first thing he’d do when he got home - after a long hot shower.

If. If he got home.

What was taking so long for Kymri’s people to help a guy out?

Did they know he existed? They must.

A cold chill swept through him.

What if they didn’t?

What if she was keeping his presence a secret for some crazy reason?
