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The girl I’d fallen in love with one look was going to be my future wife. My mail-order bride.

I’d taken a chance while she waited by the baggage claim and approached her. I had no idea what kind of magical, otherworldly powers were at play that the woman who had affected me so damn much was the one who had agreed to become mine.

Sunny. Mine. The words bounced around my head.

I’d taken a chance assuming she was the woman I was waiting for. The woman I hadn’t known I had been waiting a lifetime for. Sunny. Much like her name, it was like the sun had popped out and shined light all around every dark corner of my skeptical heart.

As I drove with her in my cab, her soft scent filled the space and made my cock not only ache, but the fucker throbbed. I’d been celibate for a fair while, and suddenly, it was like I’d been hit over the head with a horny stick. Jesus Christ.

I shook my head and clenched my hands around the cool white granite edge of my kitchen counter while I tried to figure out how to handle the situation. I needed to be smart. I couldn’t let my dick make the calls. The fucker was starving for a release, and it wanted the woman waiting for me in my bedroom.

“Get your shit together,” I muttered under my breath.

Why hadn’t I ordered a bed before this? Because part of me had really thought Sunny, the woman I had been texting and emailing, would change her mind. Or I had hoped.

Now I was so fucking glad she didn’t.

How the hell was I supposed to sleep with her in the same bed without touching her? She’s going to be your wife, a voice in my head reminded me. My wife. I breathed in deep, filled my lungs with fresh air, but it didn’t help. I could still smell the soft perfume that had filled the space when she was around. With a shake of my head, I pushed off the counter, reached for the glass of water, and made my way back to my bedroom.

Our bedroom.

I opened my mouth the moment I stepped through the doorway then shut it immediately. She turned from the window she had been staring out of and smiled.

“Did you have to go to a well?” she asked. My brows bunched, and she must have taken that as me being pissed because she winced. “Sorry, bad joke. Are you okay?” I blinked.

Fuck me, she looked good.

Not only in my bedroom, or our bedroom, but wearing pajamas. They weren’t overtly sexy, but I wanted to rip them off her body just as much as I would if she’d been wearing lacy lingerie. The spaghetti strap top was a baby blue color that matched the pin-striped sleep pants that highlighted her waist and what looked like an incredible ass.

“I’m fine,” I muttered, my mouth suddenly bone dry. I set the glass on the dresser because I was too fucking worried I’d get too close to her and wouldn’t just hand it to her.

I’d crowd her.

Touch her.

“You look mad,” she pointed out honestly, and I lost the sight of her gaze. Her beautiful brown eyes moved over my shoulder as if the bedroom door behind me was the most interesting thing in the world. “Okay,” she sighed, “if I’m not what you expected, I can sleep on the couch and head back home tomorrow morning.” I scowled at the crap coming out of her mouth. “Or if it’s really bad, I can call an Uber. You must have those or a taxi in Odyssey?—"

“You’re not,” I cut her off. “Nothing like what I expected.” She wasn’t. I wasn’t sure what I’d been expecting. Maybe someone plain? Quiet?

Definitely not a burst of color and beauty, that was for sure.

“Oh.” She paled and crossed her hands over her chest, almost like she was trying to make herself smaller. Great job, dickhead! I yelled at myself and felt like the biggest jerk when those big brown eyes started to get glassy with unshed tears.

I’d done that.


“Well... umm…” She blew out air and shook her head. “I’ll make things easy for you. I will just scoot out of here." She started to move, making her way out of my room, but the moment she passed by me, I grabbed her arm and pulled her toward me. Close. So close I could feel the heat of her skin through her pajamas.

“I didn’t mean that as a bad thing, sunshine.”

“Sunny,” she corrected for some damn reason, and I frowned as uneasiness started to tighten in my gut. Even close to her, my hands on her, she still wouldn’t look at me. Not even a glance. Jesus, I’d just met her a couple of hours ago, but I needed them on me like I needed air in my lungs.

Have I fucked it all up before we even give things a chance? Her eyes were trained on my chest, and I used my free hand and tilted her head back so I could get that chocolatey stare on mine.

“Hey,” I whispered. “Baby, look at me… please?” With that gently word at the end, I felt her body relax, and Sunny gave me what I’d asked for. “There are those pretty, brown eyes,” I whispered softly. I could see I’d taken her off guard, and I couldn’t blame her.

I’d been quiet and surly since meeting her at the airport. So deep in my head about the precious gem I’d found, I’d given the wrong impression. Red flags waved furiously in my head, trying to warn me about letting myself getting caught up and forgetting that the whole thing had an expiration date. But I ignored them.
