Page 96 of Oracle

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Shalen exchanged a gaze with his wife, who then dropped her eyes to the floor. He bumped her shoulder until she exhaled, raising her eyes to meet mine. “That was because of me.”

I waited, wanting to hear her reasons.

Vasteria faced her daughter, her look beseeching. “I have always been a lone wolf. Even when I was much younger than you are now, Holden, I was by myself. I left my pack early, when my parents were going to force me to mate a brutal man, the Alpha’s son. I wouldn’t—couldn’t—stay and be with him. So I ran. I was still running when I ran right into Shalen, when he first came to Earth.”

She turned to the man, taking his hand in hers, her smile tender. “He was fighting an obsilek who had slipped through the gate behind him. He fought it and won.”

Shalen grinned back at her. “You helped some.”

She snorted. “Not enough. The beast threw me against a tree, knocking me out. After I came to, I went to Shalen, but the hound had injured him. And the gate stone he had used to send it to Inferno had taken his hand. I wasn’t sure what to do when another man appeared.”

She now gazed at Lark. “Joseph Sarabas didn’t ask questions. Didn’t even hesitate to help. He brought us back here to this house and bandaged us up. When Mariam returned from her coven, she helped as well.”

Shalen took over the narrative. “I paid her well. I gave her a unique disk that would allow her to conceive, as they were having issues in that department. Malen had told me to give it to a worthy couple. I don’t think I could have found any as worthy as them. It was written that whoever got the disk would jump-start the prophecy, and it did. After handing it over to them, we were free to do as we pleased.”

Vasteria peered at me. “I wanted to stay with Shalen. He felt safe to me. And I craved safety. We traveled for a while and then settled south of here. We had Holden, which made our lives complete. At least for a few years. But I have problems staying still. I couldn't remain in one place for long and I really felt best in nature. I rather camp in a tent than have a house surrounding me.”

Shalen chuckled. “Part of the reason why she got her degree in environmental studies. The jobs she took allowed us to be out in the natural world. We brought our daughter with us at first, and we camped outside. I think that is where she found her love of wolves. Vasti was afraid Holden would shift, but I told her we would handle it when it happened. I doubted she would have been able to, given her genetics, but it was always possible.”

Vasteria continued, almost as if they had one mind between their two bodies, directing her words to her daughter. “But you never did. By the time you went to college, I figured you were human and not a lycanthrope. You were independent and strong and so brilliant in your studies. You didn’t really need us. And when you married, well…” Her voice trailed off.

Shalen interjected. “We came to your wedding. At least, we tried to. But we saw Edward Black, and we both got a terrible premonition about him. Vasti couldn’t stand to be near him. We left before you realized we had arrived, running without letting you know why we couldn't stay.”

Holden’s mother glanced up at her. “I am so sorry I missed your wedding to Thomas, but my wolf only wanted to run from his brother. I couldn't fight her.” She appeared lost, sitting there.

Shane moved into the living room, standing next to his wife. “Edward was evil. He was a researcher who was torturing lycanthropes. We found out he wanted to become one himself and thought he could force it through genetic re-engineering. He kidnapped Lexi, Betta and Soren as pups to experiment on. That was after he had killed their parents—my brother and his wife. Some time after we had rescued the pups from one of his labs, he took Holden.”

Vasteria shivered. “He was vile. I knew he was. But I should have told you. I couldn't, though, because you were so happy with Thomas. I wasn't sure you would believe me, since I had no proof.”

Shalen put his arm around his mate again and pulled her in close. “After that, Vasti didn’t want to stay in this region. So we took jobs further away. I only needed a laptop and a computer for my work. I found I was very good at trading stocks.” He grinned, his eyes dancing. “Vasti got us passports somehow, and we left to travel throughout the world. We never got the call about your marriage to Shane. Sorry. Nor the one about the birth of those lovely pups. But Vasti always reminded me we would return, some day.”

Vasteria’s smile grew wistful. “I wish now I had arranged for us to come back to check on you sooner. Your girls are wonderful. I missed so much of their lives already.”

Holden cleared her throat before asking, “Does this mean you will stay closer?”

Shalen exchanged a glance with his wife. “I think we need to, now. My brother and sister are here and the prophecy is rushing towards its conclusion. I have to be here to help my siblings record what happens.”

Vasteria dipped her chin in a nod, her face pensive. “Yes, I think we should remain in the area for a while. With that man dead, my fear has lessened. And the gate will provide us with so many more places to study. But something is going on with our own world and we must determine what that is.”

Lily pointed to the front door. Konner and Justin entered, walking through it right then. They halted, noticing that everyone was staring at them.

“What?” Justin asked, confused.

Lily stated, directing her gaze back to Vasteria, “Konner is the protector of Earth. He can use your help in keeping the planet placated. Because she is currently angry with humans and is about to do something rash.”

Vasteria’s eyes popped opened, her head whipping around to stare at the angel. “What? Do you know what might happen?”

He shrugged. “No idea. But we need to do something soon. Something has cut the time line shorter and while some earth-born species will not be majorly impacted, most humans will die if we don’t resolve this.”

I looked at Lily and she turned to meet my eyes, determination shining through them.

She spoke, her voice ringing with confidence. “I am the Oracle and I have the start of a plan to untangle everything that is going wrong right now. Including our god problem. But we will need everyone’s help. It’s time for us to fight for our planet. For Earth.”

I smiled, noticing that everyone agreed.
