Page 14 of Diesel

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“I don’t know what you’re talking about. What’s up?”

“What’s up?” Rocky’s tone was incredulous, almost as if he forgot who the fuck he was talking to. “Oh, not much, just wondering when in the hell our president might grace us with his presence after disappearing without another word.”

I glanced over my shoulder at Ellie, who was trying very hard to look like she wasn’t listening even though she was. “Things are complicated. You need me for something specific?”

“Not yet, but I wanted to make sure you weren’t tied to a bed in Pine Valley being taken advantage of.” The playfulness in his voice was inescapable.

“Not exactly. I met my son.”

“Shit, a son? You have a son!” Rocky laughed and I knew if he was here, he’d clap me on the back and pass me a cigar. “Congratulations, man.”

“Thanks. He’s great.”

“When do we get to meet him?”

I sighed and turned to make sure Leo wasn’t listening before hissing. “That’s why it’s complicated. Stacy is missing, presumed dead.”

“Shit, brother, you’ve really stepped in it, huh?”

“Looks like. I’m trying to get all the details I can, but I plan to bring the MC in on this. Soon.”

“I’m gonna wash my hands,” Leo declared loudly before scrambling down from the chair and running down the hall.

“Is that him?”

“Yeah. His name is Leo.”

“Leo, huh?” Rocky laughed and whooped loudly. “Diesel has a boy, and his name is Leo!” Loud cheers and whistles went up in the background and I couldn’t help but smile.

My son, my boy, would have so many people to love him and keep him safe that he wouldn’t be able to keep them all straight. It was exactly what I wanted for him. “I’ll be back soon, and I will have guests.”

“Multiple?” Rocky laughed again. My second-in-command had a way of lightening the mood. It was one of his superpowers.

“It’s complicated,” I grumbled, and ended the call to the sound of my VP’s laughter.

With Leo busy in the bathroom, I took the opportunity to talk to Ellie in private. “How would you feel about coming to Steel City? Until we’ve figured out what’s going on with those letters and gotten some answers about Stacy, I’d feel better if you were close.”

“What? Why?” Her dark brows dipped into a frown mixed with confusion. “It’s literally, like, thirty minutes away.”

“I’m aware,” I said tightly. “But I have an MC to run, and you can work anywhere.”

She nodded. “I can, but that’s a big change for Leo. It’s unfamiliar.”

“Kids are adaptable. Look, I know you don’t think I’m worth shit, but we’re past that, aren’t we?”

“It’s not that,” she whispered. “What if Stacy tries to call or come back?”

I blinked. Really, after so many years?

My thoughts must have shown in my face, because her cheeks reddened, and she looked down. “I know it’s a bit far-fetched, but I… I can’t…”

Aw, dammit. She really was the sweetest fucking thing. “You’ll have your phone with you.”

She hesitated for a long time, and I stood, rounded the table, and placed both hands on her shoulders.

“Ellie, this isn’t forever, maybe just for a few days. I can’t leave you and Leo here alone, but I can’t stay, I have other obligations.”

“No one is stopping you,” she shot back angrily. “Go.”
