Page 32 of Diesel

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Diesel laughed. “How does pizza sound?” He slid a cautious gaze in my direction, silently asking if it was all right to have pizza for lunch.

I tried to look stern, but the handsome man who stared back at me wiggling his eyebrows comically made it difficult to hold back a smile. “I love pizza. As long as it has tons of veggies, pizza is great.”

Leo made gagging noises at the mention of vegetables. “But, Momma,” he began, but erupted into another fit of giggles when Diesel tickled him.

“I’m getting all the veggies on it just for that.” His face was lit with a gorgeous smile as he played with his son.

“No, Daddy. No veggies,” he giggled, hanging on to Diesel’s neck with such trust that it was a beautiful sight to behold.

Father and son were so enamored with each other that I knew it was useless to stop my heart from squeezing. They were so alike in so many ways it was hard to believe they’d only known each other a few weeks. Diesel held Leo by the midsection, arms extended above his head. “Without veggies, I couldn’t hold you up like this.”

Knowing when he was beat, Leo sighed like the surly teenager I could see him becoming in ten years’ time. “Only a little bit of veggies,” he negotiated.

Diesel held Leo close once again. “We’ll go a little at a time, young man.”

“Okay, a little.”

I laughed and stood up, before realizing there was a very distinct smell in the air. When I turned, I saw two pizza boxes sitting on the bar counter, and I had to wonder how Diesel had walked out, picked up pizza, and returned all without me noticing a thing.

“Hey, you already got the goods before running it by me!” I accused, opening one box and then the other.

“You mentioned you were craving pizza last night, so…” He shrugged and grinned.

Both pizzas were packed with veggies, one also had sausage on it. Such a small move shouldn’t have caused me to swoon, but it had. Diesel was considerate, and even better, he was trying. That was attractive as hell.

“Moms are obsessed with veggies,” he said with a shrug and a panty-melting smile.

“Go wash your hands,” I said to them both, shooing them towards the bathrooms beside the bar, while I ducked into the clubhouse kitchen. Momentarily surprised that the kitchen actually looked halfway sanitary and not like some frat house, I took my time gathering plates and cups and napkins for a quick and easy meal. I needed a moment to get my emotions under control before I did something crazy like fall for the biker.

No. nope. No way in hell am I falling for him or anyone else. I’m fine on my own.

“You’re thinking so hard I can hear the gears churning in that pretty little head of yours,” Diesel whispered in my ear as I returned laden with plates and cutlery, his lip brushing against my skin as his arm wrapped around my waist. “Dirty thoughts, I hope?”

His words, or maybe it was his heat and his nearness, sent a shiver through my body. “Maybe,” I said, and turned in his embrace before pushing him back. “But you’ll never know.” Holy shit, I was flirting with him. I didn’t flirt, ever, with anyone. Not even for better tips back when I worked at the diner.

“We’ll see about that.” His tone held an erotic promise I refused to let my body respond to. Enjoying sleeping with Diesel didn’t mean we needed to flirt or do whatever the hell this was. It was dangerous. “Beer or soda?”

“Lemonade,” I told him with a smile. “I made a pitcher earlier today. By the way, your bar is now out of lemons.” I batted my lashes at him, and he raised his brows.

“Noted. I’ll get one of the prospects to restock.”

He led me out of the kitchen, and we all sat at one of the long tables and dug into our meal with gusto. By the time we were done, Leo was fully sated and decidedly low on energy, and I was happily licking my fingers and deciding on whether it was appropriate to lick Diesel’s fingers too, in front of my son.

That’s when Maverick walked in, and Diesel sat back and eyed him with a grin.

“Maverick! Just the man I was looking for.”

The redhead froze in the doorway. “Whatever it is, I didn’t do it.”

Diesel stood and walked towards him, clapping a big hand on Maverick’s leather-clad shoulder and drawing him inside, even as he turned to talk to me.

“Ellie, I’ve got to head out and check on a couple of the shops. Mav here is going to stay with you until I return, and then we’ll head home.”

“Oh, that’s it?” Maverick sighed, clearly relieved. “Thank god.”

“I don’t need a babysitter,” I grouched, “I can just stay here with Leo. And Chopper.”

“You don’t,” Diesel said, letting go of Maverick and coming to draw me up to stand before him, one hand resting against my cheek. “But I do. It’ll make me feel better.”
