Page 31 of Diesel

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He laughed. “Sorry?”

I laughed and shook my head, leaning over to save my work and shut my laptop screen. “Don’t be. I was expecting someone else. How are you, Ryan? How is the new project coming along?” So much had happened since the last time I saw him.

“It’s going well. Really well, actually.” The smile in his voice made me smile. “Dad is being surprisingly hands off, which means I’m making most of the decisions.”

“So this project feels like your own?” I knew most people would hear his complaints and think rich guy problems, but Ryan seemed to be a hard worker who wanted to prove himself. He wasn’t expecting anything but the opportunity to succeed or fail on his own.

“Yeah,” he sighed, and I could almost see him raking a hand through his thick hair and flashing that boy next door grin. “You could say that.”

“That’s good, I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks. I stopped by a couple days ago and your place was dark and locked up. Same thing today. I was worried.”

“I just decided to go see a friend for a while. I hoped a change of scenery would help me finish my book.” I didn’t know why I lied to him, but it came so easily so I went with it.

“Are you coming back?” There was a hint of worry in his tone that surprised me.

“Of course. But since we’re not on a schedule, I don’t know when that will be.” Even saying the words had me thinking about Diesel and his masculine intensity, his insistence on taking care of us and keeping us here. Or he’s willing to accept you to keep Leo. That pervasive thought was difficult to accept, but I tried not to lie to myself.

“Well, I hope you come back soon,” he said. “Are you sure that everything is okay, Ellie?”

I nodded again, the lies coming easier the second time around. “Yep, just looking for new inspiration.” And again, inspiration conjured up images of Diesel, big and strong, intimidating yet oddly sweet. Gentle, even.

“Okay. If there’s anything you need, you know how to reach me.”

“I do, thanks.” Ryan was a good guy, but with everything going on, it was hard to know who to trust. I ended the call with a promise to let him know when we were back, but I had a feeling he would stop by my bungalow before I made that call.

Leo came zooming back across the room, hot on Chopper’s heels, managing to crash-tackle him just as the bulldog flopped to sit on the floor. I was glad to see Leo making such good friends with the chunky pet, it was the absolute cutest. Maybe once we were back at home, we could get ourselves a dog.

“Who was that?” Diesel’s deep voice sounded behind me, and I jumped a little in my seat, not having heard him come down the stairs.

I turned around to face him and wished I hadn’t. My nipples reacted to the sight of him. His blond hair hung loose today, nothing holding it back off his face, so he looked every inch the bad boy biker he was. Those deep blue eyes looked at me hungrily and my panties were soaked instantly. “Diesel, hey.”

He arched a brow as if he knew the thoughts going through my mind.

“That was my friend Ryan wondering where we’d gone.” I explained that he usually stopped by one or two days a week and then I stopped myself. I didn’t owe him any explanation.

“In my experience, men don’t go around checking on women they don’t want to sleep with.”

I couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped. “Maybe you need more life experience.” Sure, I’d wondered if Ryan’s interest was more than platonic, but he hadn’t made a move, so I didn’t have to worry about it.

“Maybe you’re right.” He moved to stand right behind me, his big body looming over me as he bent over the couch and tilted my head up, brushing a heart-stopping kiss against my mouth. An upside down, slow and hot as fuck kiss. Diesel’s mouth was masterful, and I submitted easily, my tits heavy and the area between my thighs pulsing with need. He pulled back with a slow, easy smile. “Good day?”

“Pretty good, yeah. Productive too,” I answered with a soft smile that made me feel like the high school geek crushing on the football star, which in turn made me feel ridiculous. I shouldn’t be getting all soft and gooey where Diesel was concerned. I couldn’t afford it.

“Daddy!” Leo’s loud cry echoed as his little body darted across towards Diesel, who moved back just in time to catch Leo as he flew towards him at an alarming speed. “Hi, Daddy!”

My heart did not squeeze, and my ovaries did not explode at the sight of Diesel closing his eyes as he hugged Leo close to his chest. His heart. “Hey, buddy, having a good time?”

“Uh-huh.” He nodded in a big, exaggerated gesture. “I’m trying to make Chopper fart again, but his tummy doesn’t want to!”

“If you really want the farts,” Diesel said conspiratorially as he bent to plop Leo down on his feel again, “you’ll have to let him relax. He usually lets out the stinkiest rippers when he’s half asleep.”

Leo snorted, one hand coming up to cover his giggling mouth. “Ew! Okay, I will!”

“Or when you feed him,” he continued.

“I’m hunny,” Leo answered in reply to this.
