Page 41 of Diesel

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“You worried about your kid and your woman.” It wasn’t a question.

I nodded. “Have your brother keep an eye on Ellie and Leo.”

His brows shot up. “You want Gio to watch them?”

I nodded. “He’s just a prospect, but he’s family, and I know he’ll keep them safe. Wherever they go, he goes. And be discreet.”

“I’ll let him know, but telling your woman is up to you.” He patted me on the back. “But if you don’t mind, I’d love to witness that conversation.”

That managed to yank a smile out of me because he was right. Ellie wasn’t just independent, she was used to relying solely on herself, so having a protective detail wasn’t going to sit right with her. “Too bad,” I said, as I the meeting room and walked, towards where Ellie sat writing in a corner, headphones in and unaware of what had just gone down.

I watched her for a few minutes as she wrote. Her brow crinkled adorably when she was deep in thought and she nibbled her bottom lip when she was in the zone, typing furiously as if she needed to get the words out before they fled. And a small smile touched her lush lips when she wrote something she really enjoyed, as if she was proud of herself. Stop watching like a fucking creeper and get over there.

I pushed off the wall with Ellie as my target, but I was intercepted by Simone. Again. “Simone,” I growled because the blonde club whore just wasn’t getting the hint.

“Hiya, Diesel. I’ve been looking for you.” She spoke in that borderline baby voice that some women thought was sexy but really was creepy as fuck. “Want to get out of here?” She wrapped her arms around me and pressed her fake tits against my chest, smiling like she was hungry for my cock when we both knew any cock would do.

I unwrapped her arms and put some distance between us. “No, I don’t.”

She pouted. “Not even for a blow job? You know I’m the best at it.” She stepped forward again, too bold.

I wrapped a hand around her throat, pushing her against the wall. Her blue eyes went wide because she thought we were about to play. She didn’t know how fucking wrong she was. “You don’t get to choose when or if we fuck. I do. Got it?”

Her eyes flashed wider for a quick moment and then she nodded. “Yeah, Diesel, I got it.”

“Good.” I stepped back and released her. “I don’t want to have this talk again.”

She nodded and slunk away with a sad fuck expression on her face, but I didn’t care. Simone knew her place and I had a feeling she was pushing it because of Ellie. When I turned to go to my woman, her gaze met mine, wide eyes filled with hurt because she thought I wanted someone else. I took a step forward and she packed up angrily, shoving her laptop and notes into her bag before she marched out of the clubhouse.

Gio rushed out after her a beat later and I knew this was a problem best handled in private. At home.

For now, I would focus on Leo and trying to figure out what the fuck was up with the rich prick businessman who wanted what was mine.

Chapter Twenty


Un-fucking-believable! I knew it was too good to be true. All of it. I mean, what kind of a biker could fuck like it was his job and have a nice and sensitive side too? The kind who was crafted by romance writers around the world, that’s who. I’d already told him that I wouldn’t keep him from Leo for as long as he wanted to be part of his life, so what was the point of seducing me? Of making me believe him?

The easy answer was that there was no fucking point. Diesel was a sociopath who got off on making women fall for his lies and then ripping them to shreds. That was the only thing that made sense. After he left my sister pregnant and wouldn’t answer her texts or calls, she’d called him all sorts of shit, and maybe she was right—he really was a prize asshole. He’d spun me that story about not getting Stacy’s messages until a few weeks ago when he turned up on my doorstep, but could I believe him now?

There was a part of me, a small, quiet part, that tried to remember what kind of woman Simone had proven herself to be. What kind of crap she might pull just to get under my skin.

But the rest of me, loud and hurt and desperate, pushed that aside with a burning sensation, because I wasn’t about to let anyone fool me—no matter whose idea it was to start with. Even if I did want to be with a man like Diesel, what kind of life would it be—would I always be worried about other women throwing themselves at him?

Unbidden, the image of Diesel and Simone flashed into my mind. He grabbed her throat in a clear, sexual advance. Grabbed her throat and leaned in real close, fire burning in his eyes, and I couldn’t look beyond that moment. I’d turned away and packed my shit, because even if he wasn’t going to do something here and now with her, he was going to do something, at some time. I could tell.

Because that’s what people did; fuck around, and then leave.

I should have known better. I did know better, and that was exactly why I stayed away from bad boys, good guys, and every type of man in between. I’d seen what happened to Stacy, and that combined with my disastrous attempts at dating told me all I needed to know. The only real difference between them was how they dressed, the ways in which they hurt the women in their lives, and how they spent their days. Lawyers, doctors, bikers, dealers, they were all the same. Hell, I was just starting to trust Diesel, and he was making out with a club whore right in front of me.

He pushed her away. Again. My stupid rational side tried to talk me off the ledge, but I wasn’t ready for that nonsense. Oh, no, I was getting a good head of steam going and I was determined to hang on to my mad for as long as I could because I knew Diesel would try to tell me not to believe my lying eyes. He pushed her away, the realist within tried again, but I was most definitely not in a reasoning kind of mood.

Sure, he pushed her away…for now. How many times would it take before he stopped pushing? Before he gave in to the easy option?

Because Simone was right, he was surrounded by hot women, day in and day out, women who were desperate to get close to him in any way possible. He was a biker, it came with the territory.

I’d known that from the start, known he was dangerous, but no. I had ploughed ahead anyway, and look at where it was getting me.
