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Lewis shrugged. “Clean it here, then.”

The emergency worker tightened his jaw, and his tanned face turned red. “I could clean it, but I can’t give you sutures.”

“Fine. But I’m not staying the night,” Lewis said on a sigh.

A soft knock sounded at the door, and Tommy rushed in with Mike at his heels. “Pappy, are you all right?”

Lewis rolled his eyes. “Did you call the whole darn town? I’m fine. These worrywarts are making me get checked out. A waste of time if you ask me.”

“Can you ride in the ambulance with him, Katherine? I don’t want him to be alone, but I’ve got my hands full right now.” Owen steeled himself for a remark from Pappy, but he wouldn’t be swayed. He had more important issues to handle than the ego of an old man. Time ticked by, and Bill got further from his reach with every passing second.

Lewis gritted his teeth and tried to stand. “I don’t need a babysitter.”

Tommy hurried to Lewis’ side and hooked an arm around his waist, then helped him to the gurney taking up the middle of the living room. “No one says you do. But Katherine can make sure they don’t poke and prod you more than necessary.”

Owen bit back a smile. Leave it to Tommy to use his charm and good nature to maneuver Pappy where they wanted him.

“Fine.” Lewis grumbled and sat on the starched white sheets on the portable bed. “Look at the video feed from the front camera. The jerk bragged about some idiot driving him here.”

A bit of pressure released in his chest. If they could find out who this guy ran around with, they could find Bill. “I’ll pull it up right now.”

Lewis laid flat on the gurney and closed his eyes. The wrinkles of his face appeared to pull downward, aging him ten years since this morning. Fear squeezed his heart. Even if Pappy’s leg was fine, an ordeal like this could take much more away from him than Pappy would ever admit. “And don’t leave the girl alone. He still wants her. Can’t let her down like my Lillian.”

Owen sucked in a sharp breath, and his gaze sought his dad. Mike sank onto the floral sofa his grandparents had owned since before Owen could remember and closed his eyes, tightening his jaw. Owen didn’t say another word as the medical worker wheeled the gurney to the stoop, and Tommy helped lower the bed to the ground and get the gurney in the back of the ambulance.

Tension sizzled in the air, but Owen couldn’t do anything about that now. “Okay. Dad, I need you to watch the footage and see if there are any shots of the car. I need to take Marie’s statement.”

Marie. Owen needed to talk to her, find out what happened, make sure she was all right.

He stepped into the next room to search for her. She sat with her elbows propped on the table, her faced tipped down. Stacey sat beside her with a notebook in hand, talking softly and asking questions.


Her head shot up and the raw emotion in her eyes stole his ability to breathe. Moisture trailed down her cheeks and dark circles hung low under her puffy eyes. He closed the distance between them in three long strides, pulled her to her feet, and folded his arms around her.

She clung to him, grasping his shirt in her hands.

He ran a hand up and down her back as her body shook against his. He shouldn’t have left her, made it easy for Bill to sweep in and try to take her. He’d find the bastard and make him pay.

His stomach muscles clenched. The more time he spent with Marie, the harder it would be to forget about her when she went on with her life and he stayed in Water’s Edge—alone, the only commitment he could make to a job he loved.


Marie slipped onto the back deck. She’s spoken with Deputy Clowman and Owen and now she needed a little space. Her heart ached to hold her baby close. To breath in the familiar scents of baby shampoo and lotion. But the last thing she wanted was to ask for a ride home and get in the way of Owen’s investigation.

Especially after she was the reason Lewis was shot.

Sitting on the squeaky glider, she stared into the dense woods. It was hard to believe it was just the night before she had scurried up the steep banks, running for her life. Nora pressed to her chest and pure terror spurring her forward. Dirt still lingered under her long fingernails, her quick shower earlier not enough to erase evidence of her escape through the muddy terrain.

A shiver ripped down her spine despite the heat. Now she had another bad memory to add to the others of Bill. Her nerves still shuddered, and she needed the warm rays of the sun to chase away the lingering bits of fear before she could head back inside and figure out her next move.

Yearning squeezed her chest. She wished her next move included a man like Owen Wells.

Warmth engulfed her at the memory of being wrapped in his arms. No one had ever held her like that, wanting only to offer her comfort and strength and safety, demanding nothing in return.

The back door squeaked open, and Marie glanced behind her shoulder and into Owen’s hazel eyes. The sun shone bright overhead, and Owen squinted against the harsh light.

“There you are. Mind if I take a seat?” He dipped his chin toward the glider and slid a backpack from his back to drop it by his feet.

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