Page 52 of Savoring Addison

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“What about me?” Mason demanded.

She gave him an incredulous look. “What about you?”

“I literally just drove you across the fucking country to be here for you.”

“Because you feel sorry for me.” She said it like he should be ashamed of himself.

“Because I care about you,” he shot back.

Her lip rose into a vicious sneer. “The only thing you care about is my willingness to keep fucking you.”

“That’s enough.” Mason did everything in his power to find his way back to levelheadedness. He knew she didn’t truly mean any of this. Fear controlled her in this moment, making her lash out irrationally.

It still fucking hurt.

“Fuck you, Mason. Fuck your rules, your orders, your fucking collar. I don’t need you to save me, okay?” She shoved him off the bed, moving so fast he didn’t have time to dodge or brace himself. Getting up on her knees, she glared down at where he lay sprawled on the floor. “And I sure as fuck don’t need you to control me. I’m not your little one or your good girl. I’m a grown-ass adult, and I just want everyone to leave me the fuck alone.”

Mason knew he glared back at her with fury burning in his eyes. Afraid of what he might do if he lost control, he stayed perfectly still, not even untangling his long legs from the uncomfortable way they landed beneath him. She didn’t need his anger right now. She needed his cold, calculated precision. He’d do whatever it took to give that to her.

Hands fisted at her sides, she watched him with a look that was half triumph, half challenge. Daring him to contradict her. “What?” Another sneer. “Nothing to say?”

An icy sense of calm settled over him, like a fresh blanket of snow turning a dreary landscape into something pure and beautiful.

This was it. The exact feeling he chased within each and every scene.

Reducing a complex situation to its simplest form. Creating order out of mayhem.

Calming an entire goddamn lifetime of chaos.

He stood slowly, seeing no need to rush, keeping his gaze locked with hers the whole time. Her breathing came faster and harder as he moved, like she was gearing herself up for a fight.

Mason was done fighting. It was time for him to take charge.

Sitting on the bed, he shoved her down over his lap before she had a chance to react. She tried to push herself back up, to pull away from him, but he was so much bigger and stronger, she really didn’t stand a chance.

Without a word, Mason yanked her pants and panties down, then started spanking. He didn’t bother with a warmup. That would do fuck-all for her in this moment. She needed sharp, immediate pain to keep her from spiraling even more out of control.

“Get your fucking hands off me!” So much vitriol dripped from those words, he almost questioned his plan.

But no. He knew Addison Walker, and despite only knowing her for a little over two months, in some ways, he suspected he knew her better than anyone on this planet. He needed to get her into the submissive headspace by any means possible. Only then would she calm down and approach this situation with her father from a rational perspective.

Still she fought, writhing and kicking, screaming her fucking head off without reprieve. When she almost flailed right off the bed, he got an idea. “Maybe this will help you calm down,” he said, shifting forward so his thighs stretched far beyond the edge of the mattress. Her torso toppled over with no bed to hold her up anymore, and she gave a shriek of surprise, her hands flying out to catch herself on the floor. Taking advantage of her moment of distraction, he trapped her legs between both of his, completely immobilizing them.

“Let. Me. Go!” When she attempted (and failed) to move her legs, she began flinging her hands back, trying to hit him anywhere she could reach.

It was easy enough to grab hold of her wrists, pressing them into the small of her back with one of his hands.

“I swear to fucking God, Mason?—”

“Stop,” he interrupted, raising his voice over hers. “Be still and listen to me. I’m giving you what you need right now. And I think you fucking know it, because you haven’t used your safeword. Either say it or stop fighting me and let me help you.”

Not waiting for an answer, he brought his hand down across the center of one ass cheek, immediately followed by the other, as hard as he possibly could.

Her scream was like nothing he’d ever heard from her or any other sub. Low and raw, a wail of profound loss, not of pain. The sound of utter heartbreak one might make when a person they truly love dies. Tears sprung to his own eyes just hearing it.

Finally, they were getting somewhere.

He kept going, raining down the hardest spanks he could, until each impact sent a wave of pain through his own hand, and the muscles in his arm hurt. When at last her entire bottom glowed red in the low light, her skin radiating heat, he stopped. The room was utterly silent except for the soft sounds of her crying.
