Page 48 of Echoes of the Past

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Unaccustomed to paying my own bills, I’d forgotten the rent is due tomorrow. I’ll need to set a calendar reminder for next month. “I was going to bring it to you tomorrow, but since you’re here, come on in.”

While I write the check, Fry looks around the cottage, making certain everything is in order. “I assume you noticed I fixed the leaky pipe under the sink.”

I look up from my checkbook. “Why would I notice when I never knew the pipe was leaking? When did you fix it?”

“Last Friday evening. You weren’t here when I stopped by. I was in and out in ten minutes. I figured you wouldn’t mind.”

My jaw goes slack. Wouldn’t mind? Is he crazy? He put me through hell, thinking the boogeymen had located us.

“Did you put my cup and plate in the dishwasher?”

“Yep. You shouldn’t leave dirty dishes in the sink. They attract ants and roaches.”

“They weren’t dirty, Fry. I washed them with soap and water and was letting them dry on the rack. Conrad and I don’t dirty enough dishes to bother with the dishwasher. It saves on energy and water.” I tear out the check and hand it to him. “We talked about you not coming in when I’m not here. I’ll ask you again to respect my privacy.”

“Yes, ma’am. I’m sorry. I’m just used to coming and going whenever I wish.”

“You’re violating my rights as your tenant. Do it again, and I’ll have to find somewhere else to live.”

“Understood.” He folds the check in half and slips it into his pocket. “I’ll be on my way.”

Locking the door behind him, I go to my room to change clothes for the party. It’s warm out today with afternoon temperatures expected to reach near eighty degrees. My two sundresses are too summery, and shorts are inappropriate. I finally settle on a pair of blue jeans and a black halter top.

I can hardly believe my eyes when we arrive at Marsh Point. The entire side yard off the kitchen is set up with seasonal games like bobbing for apples and corn hole tosses.

“Whoa! It’s like a circus.” Conrad says, his face pressed to the car window.

“Or a fall festival.” I park my car haphazardly in the crowded driveway and help Conrad out. “Looks like they invited the entire town.”

“I know! I see a lot of the kids from my class.” After adding his gift to the overflowing table, Conrad runs off to find Caroline, leaving me standing alone. Noticing a harried-looking Ashton organizing the sack race, I make my way through the crowd of children and parents towards her.

“This is amazing,” I say, sweeping a hand at the festivities. “You should charge admission.”

Ashton bursts out laughing. “I may have gotten a little carried away.” Her blue eyes search through the crowd for Mia, who is helping a group of children balance apples on their heads. “I blame Mia. She kept coming up with fabulous ideas for the games. I couldn’t choose, so I decided to do them all.”

I snicker. “I’ll remember not to ask for her input when planning Conrad’s birthday. Do you need some help?”

Ashton appears grateful. “Do I ever. Jump in wherever.”

I pitch in to help with games like pinning the stem on the pumpkin and guessing the weight of the pumpkin. An hour passes before I see Will standing at the edge of the crowd near the porch. Our eyes meet, and he waves me over.

“Your sister has set the bar high. Thank goodness Conrad’s birthday is in January.”

Will gives me a peck on the cheek. “This is a spectacle. She literally invited every kid in town and their parents. No telling how much it’s costing me.”

“But the kids are having a blast.”

“True. Come with me. I need to talk to you about something.” Will takes me by the hand and leads me across the lawn to the water. “I’ve been thinking a lot about you this week. I hope you’re not still upset with me about the kiss.”

“Not at all. I hope you’re not upset with me for running out on you.”

“I don’t blame you. I caught both of us off guard.”

I wring my hands together. “I should’ve texted you to thank you for the boat ride and dinner. But I was worried you didn’t want to hear from me.”

“So that explains it.” He wipes fake sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. “I figured you were done with me.” He sets his piercing blue eyes on my lips. “I very much enjoyed the kiss. I’d do it again if we weren’t in the direct line of sight of a hundred children.”

My face warms, and I have no idea what to say in response.
