Page 81 of Echoes of the Past

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He perks up. “That sounds great. But I need to pack.” He gestures at his bedroom.

“Your mom is one step ahead of you. Your bag is already in the trunk of her car. We’ll grab it on the way out. Let’s get your raincoat.”

I’m helping him into his rain gear when Julia emerges from her bedroom with a black backpack. She hands me the backpack and goes into the kitchen, rummaging through the drawers. A minute later, she waves a flashlight at me, and I give her a thumbs-up.

Conrad throws his arms around his mother’s neck. “Bye, Mommy. Sleep tight. Don’t let the bedbugs bite.”

She musses his hair. “You too, sweet boy.” She kisses the tips of her fingers and presses them to my lips. “Thank you,” she mouths.

Nodding, I lean in close and whisper, “Good luck. I’ll see you soon.”

I scoop up Conrad and dash out of the cottage into the driving rain. By the time I stop by Julia’s car to get the suitcase and sprint across the road to my truck, Conrad and I are both soaking wet. Fastening him into Caroline’s car seat, I climb into the front and start the engine, cranking up the heat. I have a knot in the pit of my stomach as I drive away. There’s no turning back now. My plan will either work or cost Julia her life.

I keep one eye on the rearview mirror as I cross over the Merriweather Bridge, but it doesn’t appear anyone is following us. I call in our order for three pizzas to Sal’s Pizzeria and drive around downtown until the pies are ready. The streets are deserted. On a rainy night like tonight, anyone in their right mind is staying at home.

I text my sister, letting her know I’m bringing home pizza, and Conrad will be joining us for dinner. The girls are thrilled to see their friend, and when I open two of the pizza boxes on the table, they dive in, paying no attention to us when I lead Ashton out to the side porch for a word in private.

I quickly explain everything that’s happened. “If Rourke is following me, he’ll be on the lookout for my truck. Just to be safe, I’ll drive Conrad to the Mathesons’ in your car. If you don’t mind.”

“Of course. But be careful. Julia’s is in a lot of danger. I don’t want you in the line of fire.”

I let out a heavy sigh. “I hate to say it, but we’re all in danger from multiple forces. Including you and the girls. Keep the doors locked at all times and always be aware of your surroundings.”

“You’re scaring me, Will.”

“Good. For the time being, you should be on heightened alert.” I pull her in for a half hug. “I’m sorry I brought all this on our family, Ashton.”

“None of this is your fault, Will. We will find a way to get out of it.”

“I hope you’re right.”

I wait until Ashton goes inside to check on the kids before I call Carter. “Are you by any chance near Marsh Point?”

He chuckles. “I’m at the end of your driveway, making my nightly rounds.” His tone turns serious. “Why? Do you need me?”

“Come up to the house, and I’ll explain.”

The rain has slowed to a drizzle as I walk around to the front of the house. Carter parks his truck beside mine and gets out. “Can you check Ashton’s car for tracking devices? I need to drive it, and it’s important I’m not followed.”

Carter narrows his eyes. “What’s going on?”

I’m tempted to tell him everything, but my inner voice warns me to wait. “I’d rather not say just yet.”

“If you’re in danger, Will, I need to know about it.”

“I need to figure out a few things. Then I’ll tell you everything.”

Carter gives me a skeptical look. “All right. But I’m not thrilled about you going off on your own secret mission.”

“You need to trust me on this. I know what I’m doing.”

He spends a few minutes going over every inch of Ashton’s car with his phone’s flashlight. “Her car appears clean. But you need to stay in touch.” He flashes his phone at me. “I’ll be waiting to hear from you.”

I salute him. “Understood.”

The kids have finished eating when I return to the kitchen. I remove the third pizza from the warming drawer. “Ready to go home, Buddy? I need to get this pizza to your mom. She must be starving by now.”

He crinkles his nose. “But I thought I was spending the night.”
